
Sorry, but the video is rubbish.

So I'm clear, the entire article can be summarised as "there are ways to backup your Android phone, but they aren't full backups. Oh and when restoring you still cant guarantee that the restored file will work".

Windows XP and Vista have exactly the same three steps.

Good point. The problem is that I'm using W7MC so I have to use sleep (rather than power off) so that it'll wake up in time to record TV shows. In addition, I use Remote Potato which allows me to schedule recordings from my PC or mobile phone. However this doesn't work when the machine is sleeping (for obvious

If you have a HTPC then you should set it up to go to sleep at night and then wake up in the morning. Mine goes off from 1am to 8am which means that there is a 30% reduction in power consumption throughout the entire day.

I'm not, but then I'm using Google Accounts on which means that I generally get all new features last (as the priority appears to be .com then then Google Accounts). Hopefully it'll arrive soon...

Oh puuuurleeease. Ignoring the fact that suing and innovating aren't mutually exclusive things, there is a fine line between taking an existing idea and improving it vs just gratuitously copying it and then wondering why the company that did all the original hard work gets a little annoyed.

It's a shame this feature is not implemented (yet) in Google Maps.

If you can't run a cable upstairs, invest in a pair of Powerline adapters which use your electricity ring as a network. Here in the UK they are only £35 (approx $55) from Amazon.

The launch of their tablet wasn't exactly a good omen.

It'll overwrite everything you have and you'll need to start again.

I have just installed whited00r on my iPhone 3G. It's a pain, you need to use an application called iReb to get the phone into DFU mode and then it's just a case of holding down SHIFT when you press the "Restore" button in iTunes.

Have you looked at the Casio G-Shock watches?

I wrote a simple script (using VBS) which is started every time the computer starts up.

To be honest, a five day calendar to the lock screen would be pretty darn useful - although I'm guessing that since I run Sense I'd have to hack that off. Do you know what app would do that?

I use Google Calendar all the time. It's good and I like it. However there are a couple of things I'd change:

I once saw someone comment that Android should be renamed "ClockOS" or "WeatherOS". Slightly harsh I admit, but there does seem to be an odd fascination with oversized widgets that display this information.

I read once that if you push your tongue into the roof of your mouth at the time the photo is taken then you end up with a more natural looking smile.

I don't live in the US and I am not an economist so I'm probably going to be way off here ... but wouldn't it be easier to scrap individual state taxes and just have one fixed tax across the whole of the US?

I live in this Europe you speak of and I've not seen any frowning occurring in the UK, France, Germany, Italy or Spain. Nor do we have magazine articles telling men off for wearing them.