
Tumblr’s left hand doesn’t seem to know what its left hand is doing.

I tell ya, in thumbnail on my feedly, that header image appeared to be something quite different from “cake.”

3 words that should scare you to death if you are thinking of using glitter in baked goods...Made in China  

I agree. They are “Throwbacktastic”  .... I wish I could snag a pair.  


Why even bother making 86 pairs of shoes? 

I feel awful for Cox. His depiction of Matt Murdock/Daredevil is up there with Evans’s Captain America and RDJ’s Iron Man as the most accurate, most nuanced live action portrayal of a superhero ever. And the worst rub is that his show is being cancelled not because it is bad or unpopular, but entirely due to corporate

You’re such a horsist

They are racist tho a manner that doesn’t result in the complete destruction of its internal organs...

I kept my Thomas Guides for the time when whatever apocalypse takes out the cell and GPS network.

Pls don’t disrespect my dream DD

If you’re driving in LA and you don’t have a GPS, the Thomas Guide is the way to go. Won’t really work on a bike, though.

Same. Except I took one of my dad’s cigar cylinders, glued stuff to it and painted it red and silver.

True story: in the 70s I was OBSESSED with Ultraman. Like, so obsessed the nuns sent a note home with me asking my parents that I would be grounded from watching the show, because all I talked about and drew was Ultraman-related stuff.

It’s got style.”

A concern as expressed to my wife who did some contract work for UPS years ago also applies to their uniforms, jackets, etc.... They are actually concerned about terrorist incidents... people intentionally using their likeness to commit acts that vary between PR Problems to actual terror events.

There are ALOT of

UPS doesn’t want people blowing red lights and speeding through school zones in big brown vans that say UPS on the side.”