
i knew at least one other person was thinking this

Blacula you say? Somebody call Jefferson Twilight!

I’m Asian so I’d buy it just because it seem like a good deal. Would I play it? No, no. No. The sensation of buying a $60 game for a penny is satisfaction enough.

I could’ve told you that by looking at my facebook feed.

I was curious myself. It's like the site is trying to AVOID this *air quotes* Ted Lhasa show.

Never heard of this show, I'm going on Twitter to check if anyone has an opinion about this show

We never see Ted Lasso articles on this site so this is a nice surprise.

Go to Sonic. The food’s better, and the ice cream machines always work.

One way to differentiate retailers from scalpers is that retailers at least add value to the manufacturer, while those douches add value to absolutely no one outside their “operation”.

Scalpers don’t get to claim the same status as walmart. Their business is beating other people to the punch. They aren’t a part of the supply chain or anything like that. Walmart is part of the supply chain. They buy from a wholesaler and then sell retail. Without a Walmart, companies like Sony then have to staff up


I'd even accept it if they recommended _from apps I had installed_ but no, even in Apps mode the recommendations come in from various services I don't have installed at all nor do I use. 


It’s interesting. But I suspect this might boil down to a difference in general behavior — octopi are pretty solitary, and these fish are fairly social. I would imagine, octopi, being adept lone hunters, eventually get annoyed with fish who have come to associate their presence with a potential hunting partner.

Now that is a sucker punch...

My PS4, that I got on launch day, is still sitting in the same spot it always has in my entertainment center, currently running AC:Valhalla with none of the symptoms you have mentioned. Guess I'm lucky in that regard 

Everquest (1999) had pretty decent trees for the time. 

How did he get a hold of the Switch version?