
How could I not? It was/is my favourite slow-dance song of all time!

I bought a ticket to the world ...

Mine too!

She’ll be lucky if it’s only once.

I looked at her shoes. She may be thinking that her feet hurt.

and unless you’re Emanuel Ax the chord progressions aren’t either

I am a voracious re-reader. I read a book, I like it, I keep it. This, of course, accounts for the eight bookcases in my two-bedroom apartment, but I’m the only one who lives there so there are no arguments.

My name is mrsfinch, and I approve of everything in this post.

I don’t love anybody but I have too many friends. I’ve been a bridesmaid five times. FIVE TIMES. Apparently I’m just too lovable.

Good point by you - if the good stuff is still in there, I’m putting in a bid.

Her travel makeup case is pretty grody and cracking down one side

I’d wear this too, and would venture to say it wasn’t Zsa Zsa’s best choice for herself ... BUT IT WOULD BE PERFECT FOR ME.

I would wear this RIGHT NOW. It is exactly my green.

I didn’t get my apnea dx until I was over 50. Even the lab techs were staggered at how poor my sleep was. That CPAP machine makes such a difference!


I’m just here to say that even without context (which is how I entered the thread), this is both the best and funniest movie review I have ever had the fortune to read.

I know. I looked at that robe and said

Well, the subject only just came up ...