
There’s something so wrong with our food production and it’s reflected in the pricing more than anything. Where I live a surcharge for non dairy milk is 2 dollars (my preference is coconut or oat) and I never understand why. How is it more expensive to produce oat milk - literally the cheapest grain there is - then

Also, from a strategic standpoint, not sure it’s a great idea to go too hard against anyone in the democratic field right now. Last thing any of us need is a pissed off and divided base if it comes down to Mayor Pete and Trump (which is not the likeliest outcome, but not impossible). Which isn’t to say we can’t

No fan of Pete but yous guys really nitpick and champ at the bit for the slightest thing to shit on him about and it just reads as targeting. Like it’s not his fault a gay midwestern Mayor isn’t clicking with black folk when Bernie Sanders is there cut him some slack, attack his policies don’t reach for any thread you

And she made it clear that she was voting FOR our Constitution, not against anyone. Bravo! And holding up a copy of OUR Constitution just puts a small dagger into the hearts of the Republican balderdash.


Prayer circle for that possibility.

Ugh. The automatic, cynical, and dismissive response to anything that could be classified as “silly fun” is the biggest reason I don’t miss living in the Northeast. Everything has to be coated in three layers of irony to be socially acceptable.

I’d take him or Biden anyday over trump. I swear to god we’re gonna get trump again cause y’all can’t stop bitching

Can you please qualify that by saying “win the nomination” at least? Because why I know there are many different views on Team Blue, I would hope all of us would agree that a person who has actually read something beside a Mcdonald’s menu in the last ten years and has not bankrupted any companies, tried to extort any

God damn it, let people dance however they want as long as they get people’s attention to vote - I DON’T CARE!

I’ve got one I call “Old Gray Thing” that I always forget to post. It was a paranormal encounter but I’m still not sure what exactly it was, and I’ve always been curious if anyone else has seen one too. I’m doxxing myself if anyone I know reads this, but here goes nothing...

Master Gamer

If it wasn’t this specific gender reveal party, it would have been some other event with some pointless explosion that would have taken out someone from that family.

-New house moving party where they blow up their old house.

As a Freedia fan I agree that this is an ongoing issue – However I also know that Big Freedia’s touring schedule is insane & has conflicted with other video shoots in the past. I think before jumping to conclusions about Kesha trying to suppress Big Freedia’s image let’s get the facts straight on the intention.

God Jezebel sucks. It gives me no pleasure to point this out. A female-focused culture and politics site should be thriving in the current zeitgeist. And yet...vape snark and Daddy Bernie. 

I am not quite moved by a still of Pelosi simply doing her job

He is, get this, taking a position that a majority of Democratic voters agree with. Democrats are split on Medicare for All as a single payer option and it’s getting less popular as time goes on. I’d like our elected representatives to actually represent us.

When someone makes the personal choice to eat red meat, drink caffeine or use certain shampoos, they’re not invading my personal space or inflicting harm directly on me. When someone smokes or vapes and blows that shit in my face, they do. It’s not rocket science- smoking and vaping are personal choices that you