
hey, take it easy. She has a full time job writing advertising copy for Juul. Kinda hard to follow all this politics stuff too. 

You lack the moral energy for Mayor Pete, perhaps, lol.

Dr Says, “Chopping off your own hand is fine (if chopping off your whole arm is the alternative).

I’m glad this is terms as “for adults” and even better as “for adults who want to quit nicotine.” That being said, being in favor of increased use of an addictive substance that’s pretty clearly marketed to teenagers is just such a wild hill to die on.

About 13 years ago I was a smoker looking to quit. E-cigs seemed like a way for me to have the physical sensation of smoking which I missed with nicotine gum or a patch. At that time e-cigs came in graduated nicotine levels INCLUDING ZERO NICOTINE. The fact that Juul refuses to offer a zero nicotine product says to

I’d be happy if she just worked on getting free of writing about them.

Esther, man,

Honestly, the reaction to the Vape “panic” is a legitimate and reasonable reaction - something is shown to be correlated to making a bunch of people sick, and places decide to stop selling it until more information is known. That is a very sane reaction.

I’m not going to pretend to stand on principle here. Vaping is incredibly annoying and the people who do it seem to think they can puff their clouds of who-the-fuck-knows-what anywhere they like because it’s not a cigarette. Thanks, asshole, I wanted to smell like grape/stale smoke the rest of the day.

Ok, but as someone who works in pharma, specifically in the drug development side of things, this is a pretty standard response to unexplained deaths and serious adverse events directly linked to a product. Just because vaping is cool* doesn’t mean that industry caution should be thrown out of the window at the

Vaping is so annoying, people seem not to think they need to have any consideration for the people around them and blow gross fruity clouds all over everyone.  I wish this trend would die.

Vaping is pretty awful. Currently, my bf’s son has middle school classmates doing during lunch (because they can hide the vape in their hands) & on his bus. Some of the packages are made to look virtually identical to candy packages. The candy flavoring and the packaging that appeals to kids is extremely unethical

Vaping is bad just like cigarettes. You just don’t want hear about it because you vape and you want to pretend nothing is wrong. Stick your fingers in your ears and go la la la. That will help.

“Please, Can We Stop With The Vape?”

Obviously this is really inappropriate and he shouldn’t have done it, but saying you’ve “always been more enthusiastic about costumes than is sometimes appropriate” is hilarious.

I refuse to believe The Property Brothers are seriously dating/ married to anyone but each other.

I don't prank because always the joke is on me.

Yes you are the only one and Kristen Bell is great in this role. It’s ok, you’re allowed to be wrong sometimes.

The idea of the BBC finding something “too emotionally muted” made me giggle. 

I’m a rancher and a free market capitalist who believes in competition until I start to lose market share at which point I demand regulations put in place because the only thing I care about more about than free market competitive capitalism is rigging the game to make sure I win.