Mrs.Choate PFLAG Grandma

This is not something to be celebrated. She’s not any kind of “empowered woman breaking barriers” in her industry. Rather, she’s exploiting the fact that she’s a woman as some sort of palliative to sell this otherwise unmarketably exploitive trash, which, while it evidently has a market, doesn’t make it any more worth

Oh My God. This episode was TERRIBLE. These are great actors who’ve given excellent performances in past seasons, but the bad writing, directing, and editing overshadowed everything. Nothing was believable. The characters seemed flat. The dialogue was awkward. Was so disappointed because I really really wanted to keep

No, they are saying that, unlike their republican counterparts, democratic voters actually believe in morality and as such Cuomo won’t make it past Iowa.

I have read TWICE now that temperatures below some arbitrary mid-70s point are “sexist” because ALL WOMEN ARE ALWAYS COLD (first time was in Vogue September ‘18 issue and second was in an article about this very debate).

Of course she’s untrustworthy. Of course she’s self serving. Of course the book is gossip masked as moral outrage. And of course. I’ll never read it.

That one eyebrow is trying to escape from her body. I hope it writes a tell-all. 

He’s been here over 60 years, is 94 years old, the process took 14 years to complete and they’re trying to actually take credit for this as some sort of awesome “look what we did, this proves we’re not like them proof?

Hillary runs the deep state, yet couldn't manage to get herself elected as was assumed. Brilliant.

This. Nothing matters anymore. 

Do they even need to? Are people actually going to care or is this going to lead to racist everywhere feel empowered even more to use the n word left and right? At this point, is there anything that would cause them to turn their back on Cheetolini? 

‘disgraced Christopher Steele’

They can guarantee there was no collusion, they can guarantee North Korea has stopped its nuclear program, they can guarantee there is widespread voter fraud, they can guarantee there is no human-caused climate change, they can guarantee Mexico is going to pay for a wall, they can guarantee there was no Russian

why does her response matter, though? why are we holding her accountable and pressing her on the actions of a shitty man?

Well, part of it is that far too many unions kinda did stop representing their workers and started working simply to preserve their own interests. I had been in more than one union that was there simply to justify its own existence. Hell, the UCFW branch I had to be in when I was in high school before right-to-work

APAL - all politics are local

...being the nice guys has gotten them one thing: they’re not the party of Trump. As low a bar as that might have seemed before 2016, it’s pretty important now - or better than nothing, anyway.

Eh, the premise of your idea is a bit off. The white moderates that King were referring to were people who said things like “slow your roll Jack” and “you can’t force these things”. That’s another point of debate. This particular moment find me a Democrat who has defended what’s happening at the border. Fuck, find me

Dude, we’d win by turning the other cheek if fuckheads showed up to vote. That’s all that’s it. There isn’t an election in the last fifty years that by sheer numbers people with “liberal” values (of their time) wouldn’t have won if people showed up. Young people don’t vote. Liberals of all ages don’t show up to vote

My inner Blanche reacts...

My ass is the reason I can’t do most things.