
Not soon enough, IMHO......then again, at this point  I’m pulling for “Any Functioning Adult” at this point.

Man think how utterly threatened he must be by Trudeau...tall, smart, competent, handsome, considered only slightly racist rather than full-on, NOT clearly harboring disturbing feelings about his own daughter...I bet Trump woke up with the cold shakes after that photo-op.

Katie Porter is a professor at University of California Irvine, she is a Harvard and Yale graduate.  She is also the toughest woman in congress and people in her district love her.  I voted for her the first time and plan to do it again this year.

Well, that Escaladed quickly.

If there was any justice in the world, Katie Porter would be at the top of Biden’s VP list.

I heard on twitter that a group of Karen’s is called a privilege

A new poll shows that Sen. Elizabeth Warren would be the best vice presidential pick to attract Bernie Sanders supporters to Joe Biden–and hopefully unite a very fractured Democratic party.”

I feel like the louder the Karen’s are at GOP protests, the more suburban women don’t want to be associated with flagrant displays of outrage and bad spelling.


I think the Karens are just mad that they have to stay at home with their own shitty kids instead of letting the nannies do all the heavy lifting.

Ah, America: you know you have sunk a little too far when other quasi-dysfunctional countries can look at you and say, “Well, at least we haven’t done that!”

Let’s pretend for a second that Trump was indeed being sarcastic as he claims (NOTE: He was not and if you believe he was, you are dumb. End of story) who in the hell thinks being sarcastic during a daily press briefing during a pandemic is a good idea?

Taint nuthin' wrong with that.

I saw a commentator on another thread say Biden should just play this gibberish on loop to clinch the next election.


Never interrupt your opponent when they’re busy making a mistake

Not surprising.  Republicans don’t want female politicians for the most part.  There are some exceptions but the number of female Republicans in Congress went down in 2018.  Because they’re women, they are seen as being more moderate compared to the male candidates, even if they take more extreme, right wing

Yes and yes. He always sounds like a nine year old describing what he’s gonna be when he grows up and you’ll all be sorry!