
I like making bread. Generally, for a normal white bread recipe putting it together is just 15-20 minutes, but you have to be around while it rises and then the punch-down and shaping and then rising again, then baking. The whole house smells divine and while its rising, it’s a good time to work on one of those

That movie is cheese for days and totally underrated.  Kenneth Branagh is breaking his doggone teeth chewing up his scenes. Delightful! Plus, I love the music video, so there’s that.

Michigan’s seemingly perpetual clouds laugh at your suggestions. Every time I see post about meteor showers or whatever, I know it’ll be cloudy out. And it is.

Yeah, the employment situation up there is definitely....interesting. I’m torn on mines because a) jobs, but b) mines!! in the middle of amazing tracts of wilderness plus surface streams feeding one of the largest bodies of fresh water in the world.

If you want a song that will absolutely destroy you, listen to Don McLean’s The Grave.

Marquette, what a great town. My dad moved/retired up to his property between Escanaba and Iron Mountain, so we’re in the (general) area quite a bit to visit from downstate.

OMG, I want that job!!! Otter Dryer!

I went to graduate school in the UP

It certainly took long enough...

Makes me glad I work in academia....

Congratulations on being free!

Only shoestring fries.

He needs a bath. Or looks like he does.

My husband, the best thing since sliced bread, doesn’t dance. He’s more trustworthy than anyone else I know.

It pretty much destroyed my ex-BIL’s brain. He was only on it for about a year too. Started it while working during the sub-prime mortgage time and screwed him big time. Paranoia, exacerbated his already nascent narcissism, and turned him into a raving a** at his kids and wife.

now we all just get to watch and see how he possibly makes things worse.

considering we have to drive tractors and combines to the game.

Stereolab is great. If you’ve got Pandora, try Global Chill station. Niiiiice. And I’m too old to be a hipster.

Gawd, yes. Preach, sister. This is an either/or proposition. You don’t get to wait for conditions to be right or even better. Sometimes you have to hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evils. And many times even getting registered it is hard! Especially when there are active participants to deny the vote to

Son, get God’s word out of your mouth if you're not going to live by it.