
So, it’s “I’m mad at you but I’ll take your money.” Did I get that right?


I’m a straight-up Christian and feel that God loves us so much, He gives us the things we love when we take that big step into what comes next. Hang in there, buddy.

I agree on the issue about gray/silver. I REFUSE to buy a gray/silver car. We do have a white Forester, and it’s good (kind of pearlescent), but gray/silver. Never again.

that pic is from a gal that buys odd looking stuff at Goodwill and tailors it into something cool. New Dress A Day.

Then came the yoga/ athleisure trend, now it is all “low impact” (?!?!??!) bras that aren’t meant for any kind of serious athletic activity.

It drives me crazy when people are all, like, “Fry it in olive oil” and I just think, “What? Do you love ruining your food?!”

Michigander here. I’ve been to Kansas. At least I think I was. It was so boring, I think my brain blocked it out.

I’m a Michigander and I’ll vote for him in a hot minute rather than that blob we have in office now. Flint is squarely on the shoulders of Snyder. I’ll take a “I’m a novice, but smart enough to learn” rather than the same old political hypocrites we’ve been used to.

I love waffles and I’m using my Grandmother’s 1962 Kenmore waffle maker. The cord gets hot to the touch, the handle on the lid is half-broken, but dang...them’s some good waffles. It’s been used for so long it’s basically non-stick at this point.

It’s like the anthem here in Michigan.

A lady: puts on Mazzy Star.

+1 for Massive Attack.

At the beginning of this article, I thought I was going to have to come in ranting about how fabulous plantains are. I’m glad I controlled myself to see you sing their praises. Truly, food of the gods and should be offered more frequently.

Good point! I would love to have a Volt, TBH. I never thought about looking for a used one.

Tell me about why you like your Mazda 3. We’re going to be in the market to replace our 2006 Hyundai Elantra (214,000) probably sooner rather than later. Although I will say, that thing has been a TANK. Dang, what a great car.

I’ll tell you what begets freedom: god damn hard work.
