Looooooovvvveeee! Exciting and new...... (name that tune).
Looooooovvvveeee! Exciting and new...... (name that tune).
There are - it’s called Spandex. ;)
At least you have a cat, so that counts for something.
How ‘bout they add something in to every random box (like a Golden Ticket) that automatically entitles you to a free pack of Hanes Her Way underwear to make up for the fact you’ve screwed up the 2nd pair of the day cause you’re flowing so heavy?
We had a 1993 (?) Eagle Vision (basically, a Dodge Intrepid). Dang, I loved that car. I love its size, and loved how it looked. My husband hated its seats (uncomfortable) and thought it was a boat. We lived an hour outside of Nashville and I drove in to work everyday on the side roads. Our house was 15 minutes outside…
Governor Donut...
That was a seriously brilliant account. In case some missed it: Texts from Hillary
I was aghast at the $85 balconnette, but then again, I’m cheap.
The first caption gets me “we wanted it to have a Bohemian feel”. Well, why are you having it in the Hamptons then?
And here I was complaining that hot yoga was $15. Sheesh.
That was the first movie my husband and I saw when we were dating. :sigh: Fond memories.
He was so good in Sense and Sensibility - so understated, such an excellent performance of a modest character.
This is such a good reminder.
What?! NOOOOOOO, it just gets better from here on out, ladies! My 40s are the BOMB.
An emergency manager was put in place because Flint was hosed. More info at this Wikipedia page. As you can see, Flint has a long history with this type of management and a number of players have been involved.
How about that one spot where they peed and you can’t find? I swear, one of my cats is emotionally disabled because he randomly pees in spots to tick off our two female cats, who despise him. :sigh: Poor Junior.
Can I give you 15,000,000 stars for this? You need them.