
I have a bad feeling about this too. If I left the house without my makeup, you should report me dead.

Oh good lord. I am so fucking tired of ‘this conversation is not for you and you have no stake in it’. If you ignore issues you’re not an ally. If you comment on issues you’re overstepping some invisible boundary. If you ask questions about issues you’re a shit-stirring misogynist rape-apologist, even if the issue is

Nobody likes to be called out on their hypocrisy. All the people who say I can take part of it (a magazine) and leave out what I don’t like tend to forget that their money paid for the whole magazine, not just the article they liked. In other words, they paid for the perpetuation of the problem whether they thought

she looks like mandy moore!

"Marsha and I always planned to have five children..."

I don't know that at all. She's 17 yrs old. What else does she have going on in her life? Something? Perhaps she could tell her family about it instead of being a spoiled brat. Just a thought. If, on the other hand, what she has going on is school and her friends (male or otherwise) perhaps the dearth of

Or, maybe these are conversation openers, so that other people can connect to you and know what topics will be interesting to you?

Brilliant? No. Bratty and rude? Heck yeah. How terrible that your family wants to talk to you, Adrianna. Based on what little I know of you, frankly, I can't begin to think why they would. You sound insufferable.

Indeed. A woman I know was recently told me that when she was pregnant, she ate a not-unsubstantial amount of concrete.

Yep, the craving is insatiable! I just my second Cheeze Slice a month ago and lived on crushed ice from the fridge. Much to my husband's annoyance, the fridge forgot how to make cubed ice and would only crush it. It knew who's boss.

I tend to run anemic when I'm knocked up, and eating ice/snow is a symptom of that. With my first pregnancy, it coincided with winter (and I'm in Ohio, we are no strangers to snow); I would get all gussied up in my winter clothes, go outside with a spoon, and eat the fluffy top layer of snow! I can only describe it as

Nope! Saved! and Scrubs era Mandy Moore is the best!

Pica! Meghan T. has pica.

I eat the fuck out of some snow when I'm pregnant. I feel you, girl.

Temptation to start "Help Diplo's Micropenis" gofundme page rising. Rising. RISING.

Does whatever the fuck Fanny Dashwood was doing in Sense & Sensibility count?

I don't care about cultural appropriation one way or another, but baby hairs? Jesus, I'm white as they come and I have baby hairs.

Yeah the guys I've stuck with have all been pretty much "oh your period? .. lets put a towel down" and treated it exactly like it is: a biological thing that happens and won't hurt them. An attitude I really appreciate because I was usually pretty horny on my period (Mirena pretty much stopped the period now though).