
Okay, it's obvious that you're not going to speak to me with the same respect I was trying to give you. It's silly to imply that all women on this website hate men, it's simply not the case. In my time here, I've spoken to women that completely disagree with me on issues and don't think I'm liberal enough in my views,

Now playing

One of history's greatest stories. You'll be watching the Drunk History recreation of this one day with your grandchildren:

I'm pretty sure that what Warren Beatty said was "I love your can, dear."


Better yet, skip Craigslist completely!


Depends on the kid. In my youngest son's case, absolutely. And it had nothing to do with me being a "shitty parent" (as someone downthread asserted). Funny thing, kids develop at different rates.

Our kids' doctor just told us that the AVERAGE age for a little boy to be potty trained is three and a half. THREE AND A HALF! My son just turned two, so we have a long road ahead of us... he's only just started showing us any interest at all, and since we have a third child arriving in a month, we don't really care

My nephew was three...he refused to be trained no matter what my brother and SIL did. Finally, when his little brother was born and he realized that babies wore diapers, he was ready. It took two days a that point. He could do it before, just didn't want to. They were half-amused, half-pissed.

Can you hunt down the original poster and confirm that there was a menu? We have someone obstinately insisting that the bowl of tempura was just sitting there, sogging on the counter for people to enjoy.

When people say, "It was all a business transaction" in regards to failing marriages, it discounts that if it was always a sham, why would they be breaking up? People don't get mad if their business-partner has sex with someone else.

Ah yes. I always make sure to produce a tiny human to fully back up the image of my sham-marriage.

This troll is not worth it. They are afraid of brown people.

Perhaps you can join the military then, if you feel so strongly about saving our country. You may even consider the border patrol, considering your view on pussy ass liberals. Otherwise you are all talk and hatred and no action.

It covered the basics, but I feel as though this commenter failed to stretch his range. He completely ignored racist tropes, name calling, pseudoscientific facts, and a screed about "jerbs." I have to respectfully disagree and rate him a 2/10.

Honestly a conspiracy was my first thought, but not because of Putin. I was thinking big pharmacy companies would be behind this. If they were on the brink of a breakthrough cure for AIDs, all of the businesses that produce treatment drugs could stand to lose a ton of money. A cure is a one-time deal, but treatment

Boners. And male pattern baldness. You're welcome.

I loooove Comfort! And they gave her SO much crap about her weight and she shut them right down. I was actually a little disappointed when she came back as an all star all skinny.

Haha, you actually sound like my sister when she's at a register. She tries to be fast and efficient, but if she feels the slightest rush, she panics and her hands shake and she drops things and it's kind of adorable.