
I take it you don't follow baseball at all?  Because I had a hard time believing nobody knows who he is, especially since he was a star player in SF.  Maybe he was overshadowed by Barry Bonds? Then he was a Dodger and 99% of Survivor contestants are from LA.

I take it you don't follow baseball at all?  Because I had a hard time believing nobody knows who he is, especially since he was a star player in SF.  Maybe he was overshadowed by Barry Bonds? Then he was a Dodger and 99% of Survivor contestants are from LA.

We need Vargo Hoat.  If only for him just to say "thapphireth"

I thought the the wolf CGI was actually pretty damn good.  
My only gripe about the episode (and it's been a while since I read CoK) was that Joffrey is a monster, but he's also a sniveling twat of a mama's boy, and him threatening his mother is just OOC for me, although maybe I'm just not remembering it from the book.

Sorry, you already said that.  I need to read further before commenting.

And don't forget the cost of the carwash.

They've been paying Hank's medical bills, I also wonder if there's some cash at the carwash.  Don't forget they paid some $800k for the business if I recall correctly.

Vince Gilligan keeps gut punching me every episode this season, and I can't get enough.  The show gets consistently better every season.  Amazing.