
no love for special fried rice? what about blue waffle?

Their redesigned site can't handle all the traffic.

Great info! I realize now that my comment was wayyy too general. I took a few plastics class in college too =X

If you really need to adjust plastic frames, bring water to a boil and then remove from heat. Stick the arms in the water for a few minutes until the plastic is pliable. Bend the ends down. Don't bend them too far because if you try to bend them back you risk snapping the plastic. This is pretty much what the

Yes! They did include dihyrdogen monoxide! It was the 2nd ingredient on the list so it had A LOT of it!

Everyone should quit bitching, they don't look that bad. Give it a few years and we'll develop the tech to make them smaller and lightweight. It's a freakin prototype so give it time! Just be thankful you don't look like Geordi La Forge.

Penn and Teller went out and pulled a hoax about banning Dihydrogen Monoxide... lots of people signed it. LOL []

Cool hack! When I lived with my cousins they installed a clapper in my room. Took me a while to figure out why the hell they were yelling so much, then I realized the TV and lamp behind me were turning on and off. They set it up to be super sensitive to any noise, not just claps. Oh and by the way, that's a turntable,

How'd you know?? =)

Just flip it inside out! That's what ahem my friend does!

The lack of focus in the video pisses me off even more though... and how he kept saying the battery was 9800 milliamps... mAh man mAhhhhhhhhh

+1 lmfao

Thank you for your kind words. I wasn't aware that it was 2012 and that I should stop storing contacts on my phone.

the cookbook is outdated when it comes to phreaking BUT the 2600 still has great guides on modern hacking!

I made a book once in my graphic design class. It was quite a rewarding experience to see my digital compositions turn into something very tangible.

Being Filipino-American, I have yet to try balut... I'm all about textures, but I can't bring myself to mash down on a semi-crunchy skull.

Awesome how they let him finish!

I thought I was the only one!

Please turn off power at the circuit before poking around!