+ 1 million Internets!
+ 1 million Internets!
I did this last week, but with a single stalk. I always buy too much so I threw it in some water and a week later I was surprised it grew (and kept on growing). The next time I buy them, I'll save the all of the ends!
Whenever I see something spelled "Tenqa" (jenga, venga, tango), I always think about the Tenga egg... NSFW due to a clear dildo... but other than that, have a laugh.
Thanks to you all! One problem I had grasping is how you could get a broker to give you money/shares...
My friend tried explaining shorting the stock to me... For the life of me I couldn't retain it. Can you elaborate? I bought Zynga and damn I took a hit, luckily I didn't buy much.
Riiiiight. I'm sure your lifeless, flaccid penis would be the topic at hand... "gee, I wish THIS guy was still alive..."
Great work! I checked out the vimeo link and the video with the USB drives titled "Este Regalo No Es Tuyo" / The Case intrigues me. Can you translate or shed some light on the project? It seems like there was a wedding or some sort involved?? The flash drives look amazing! I tried checking the website [www.esteregalono…
I agree with you. The sensor went bad for a reason, replacing the sensor doesn't actually fix the problem. Just the symptom. Once you replace the sensor, if the car still has something wrong, a code should appear again. Often times the codes are stacked, but it's hard to diagnose if a sensor is bad since it often…
Do some research on your make and model to see if you can find trouble codes and how to pull them. On a Honda Civic it just takes a paperclip jumping two pins off of a connection to the ECU. Saves hundreds of dollars on a scanner if you're in a pinch.
Isn't the DH account password the same as the cPanel password? Logging in to a shell account and changing your password via passwd only covers user passwords, not the cpanel, am I understanding this correctly?
Thanks for the clarification. I'm torn because I'm coming up on my renewal...
Yay my tip got featured. who knows if it was my tip that tipped it off... Dreamhost sends back your cpanel password in plain text if you click "Forgot Password". Does this mean it's not encrypted?? What can I do on MY end to make sure my cpanel stays secure?
Dude was pretty crazy, they should've left him alone 1) so we could still download 2) he'd probably overdose on drugs or die in a fiery car crash anyway (the gumball). Actually, I'm surprised there aren't any pictures of him doing drugs?
He reminds me of the numa numa guy... [www.youtube.com]
Admiral, did you get your old job back? And I actually wonder if they left your bio on their page, using your background to boost their image?
Probably unrelated but DreamHost has reported unauthorized activities crawling around in their database. They've forced password changes for ftp and shell accounts. More info here: [www.dreamhoststatus.com] #tips #tip