
LaserDisc's genesis goes back to the 60's as well, and was the staple throughout the 70's and 80's as the video format of choice for looping and interactive videos in kiosks for all sorts of different businesses, from amusement parks to car dealerships. So, quite literally, the development of the CD in the late

Strange article because it failed to mention LaserDisc. LD, not VHS, killed VideoDisc. Take it from someone who used to sell both. Actually, that's a lie. I and my fellow salespeople knew right from the beginning how terrible VideoDisc was, and always immediately steered customers to the vastly superior LaserDisc

Fantastic news! Never heard of it…

I never really found Joan sexy. Peggy, on the other hand…

What you perceive as Don sneering at Peggy's aspirations I saw only as surprise. Don has always supported and fought for Peggy, so why would he suddenly do an about face and sneer? Not at all in character.