Mr Saturn

Meanwhile, you can already do this on any home computer, without having to pay an extraordinary amount of money for the mini-NES, and without having to do any hacking. Talk about irrelevant.

Honestly, nothing in this demo surprised me. When you’ve been playing video games for 30 years, you can see the ground they are retreading.

I’m surprised Gita hasn’t written some stupid piece about “Final Fantasy XV Leaves Out Minorities” in some way, shape or form.

Playing a Mega Man game on touch screen is pure hell, anyway. There are far better implementations of Mega Man on consoles and PC that are cheap and low-spec that playing it on a phone is absurd.

What the actual fuck did I just read? These people are the real faggots.

While they may have gotten good details on their cosplays, their facial expressions and acting need some serious work.

If this were two guys, people would think it was disgusting.

I went through the same thing when I came out as a straight, white male.

I take personal affront to your statement because you are implying that people are weak because they are so molded by popular media. Nobody is going to be damaged because popular media mostly ignores bisexualism. People are stronger than that. Try to look past your genitals, next time.

So much this. It’s all fantasy and mental masturbation. I’ve been playing games for 30 years, and I’ve never felt more connected to a character that happens to match my sexual outlook. In fact, I never think of a character’s sexuality. I do what you’re supposed to do with a game: play the game for fun. It’s like

But why? Why do you care about their sexuality? As a straight, white male, I have played so many different characters of all genders and shapes and sizes and I have never once thought, “Man, I’m glad that guy is a straight white male. I relate better to him because he fucks the same things I do!” No! In fact, I

But it’s all fantasy, anyway. You aren’t really being a hero when you play Overwatch. A hero is someone like a nurse, or a fireman, or a police officer, or a soldier. Someone that actually makes an impact on real life. Video games are just fantasy; I’m not a hero when I beat Dark Souls. I’m a dude that beat a

It’s actually not interesting. It’s just mental masturbation. It doesn’t matter what the character’s sexual preference is, because it has no impact on your sexual preference.

There’s nobody like them in video games, and there’s nobody like me in video games, either. I play Super Metroid, and I’m a man. I don’t feel left out of that game, even though Samus is a woman. I want to play Eitr when it comes out, and the main is a Shield Maiden. I’m looking forward to playing something other

No, that’s bullshit. You can’t turn back time. You can’t run and shoot two pistols at the same time. There’s literally no relation other than “I’m a lesbian, too.” How the hell did you get included just because of her sexual orientation? Are you just a vagina (the reproductive organ, not the insult) or are you a

All the videos of Overwatch I have seen have shown it as just an online shooter. There’s video evidence to support it, where’s your video evidence to counter that notion?

Characters should be whatever fits the story. Tracer isn’t sleeping with anyone, because everyone is out shooting each other. There’s literally no room for the story. For you to assume that his initial statement is meaning the whole “white straight male” thing, simply shows how ignorant you are. I mean, you have

No. More diversity, for the sake of diversity, is bad. We need more meaningful diversity. Who Tracer sleeps with is not meaningful, but actually very trivial and shallow. It’s a cheap attempt at trying to “wink” at the gay crowd, like “we know you’re out there!”

There’s a pretty good typo in the very first sentence you might want to check out...

Tweets aren’t important. Why are you making them important?