Oh wow
Oh wow
Obviously, these trailers were left to leave lots of questions, not answers. They were trying to tease us, not show everything, yet. You should consider trying to be easier to please.
Games advertisers definitely show too much, these days. I mean, come on...they put the last boss of Dark Souls 3 on the freaking cover. They showed almost every boss in a matter of a couple trailers.
Sounds like that video game is actively trying to waste your time.
You sound pretty dramatic to be annoyed by thumbnails in a recommended videos section.
It’s a pretty tragic fucking ending. I’m giving this game a pass based on the ending.
You are implying that your tastes are better than his, which is factually impossible to quantify. I think you are just having a knee-jerk reaction to something that you like and are actually offended that someone else does not like what you like.
He’s allowed to comment on an article about a game he doesn’t like. Why does everyone have to stay so positive? Is it so hard to just move along from his comment, instead of pursuing it? You didn’t have to write what you wrote. It makes you sound so controlling. Is that how you want to come across?
He said he’s not better than you. Isn’t that enough? I think reading comprehension isn’t your strong point, mate.
I found Undertale ugly, too. It looked like complete garbage.
He said he doesn’t like something and you are claiming that’s elitist...it’s actually not. Sure, he said it with fairly crude language, but you can’t fault him if he finds that the game looks bad. All art is subjective, and one man’s art is another man’s trash. I find it interesting that all he had to do was have a…
To this day, I still have my Street Fighter II: Turbo cart in my SNES collection. It’s still the most fun one, for me too!
Why work out to look good, when you can work out to be healthy? This culture puts so much merit on looks over health, I swear...
Pretty interesting piece, but to call game degradation a “cultural problem,” is a very long stretch. Cultural problems are things like laziness, racism, bigotry, a lack of knowledge of the arts, poor use of language...things that actually impact the culture. If someone forgets about Mother 3, the world will be just…
She doesn’t look like that when she first wakes up, dude. That’s the makeup talking.
Please do a similar article on characters from Dark Souls/Demon’s Souls. Thank you.
What a stupid complaint.
Man, as I browse the comments section it’s filled with a pathetic “my team is winning!” mentality. I know all the fanboys will jump on this like white on rice, but I find the game boring. It’s a sham. It’s just something pretty to look at while you get some meaningless gameplay with crappy characters and poor story…
I wonder if you would be demonizing him if he said the game was bad.