It’s good, based on what a reviewer says. Basically, another player recommended it. That doesn’t mean it’s going to be the end all tell all of Final Fantasy games.
It’s good, based on what a reviewer says. Basically, another player recommended it. That doesn’t mean it’s going to be the end all tell all of Final Fantasy games.
Jason, I heard that the combat revolves around the player just holding one button while he auto-attacks. Is this true?
I actually found the review to be very conflicted. I’m surprised that in the end it was a positive recommendation.
Man, Smash looks so stupid.
Actually, there were numerous articles that were published before release day that said “don’t expect this to be a multiplayer experience.”
Nobody forced you to buy the game. No matter what shiny marketing was placed in front of you, you still decided to believe it. That was your choice, and nobody else’s. Take some responsibility for your actions, learn from this as a giant mistake, and be more cautious the next time a big game with lots of marketing…
All these articles about cheaters are just giving them more attention, and will fortify the behavior. If you want to change the behavior, you have to first ignore it. Then, in a smooth way, offer a way to change it. If that option isn’t available (you can’t force someone to not download a cheat) then what you do…
1 in 4,000 to get a shiny pokemon? What are the perks of having a shiny? Reminds me of getting epic weapons in Everquest. It makes me wonder, why do developers make these odds so out of people’s favor? We only have one life to live, and I don’t want to spend my life hunting a shiny pokemon in a game that has no…
You can’t already tell with a title like “Death Stranding?”
But that’s such a common trope used by all kinds of bad guys.
I think that’s a great piece of wisdom, right there. Thanks for sharing it!
Is that really necessary?
The classic NES has an “extensive” library? More like a small sampling. The NES had over 800 games on it. 30 games is far from extensive.
The PS4 Pro came way too early. There’s only a small handful of games that actually use it’s new power, and some big games, such as Bloodborne and Witcher 3 aren’t getting support for 4K textures. It’s such a pointless upgrade unless you have to be at the absolute bleeding edge of technology.
He never said he couldn’t afford it. Besides, not being able to afford something doesn’t mean that you don’t have money for it. I’m not willing to afford paying for PS+, even though I have plenty of money for it, because it is a complete waste when I have free multiplayer on my PC.
Just because you’re hyped for RedDead doesn’t mean everybody is. I personally think it’s a garbage series, so I’m not worried about it so much. I hope you enjoy it, but just because a single game is console exclusive does not mean that consoles are the absolute best solution. You have to stick to your preferences,…
You just made up that quote. I read his original post and he did not say that.
First off, you posted something incredibly reasonable and sane. Second, why the fuck did everyone jump down your throat about what you wrote? It’s like you touched a nerve with them...they are all pissed that they have to pay an expensive premium to play online with their consoles. I used to own a PS4, but I sold it…
While I totally agree with your sentiment, as I use emulators on my laptop (portable NES/SNES/PSX!) I also have the legacy systems in my game room because the emulation isn’t perfect. I love the way it looks on a CRT, so I will always prefer the original hardware to an emulator. The legal issue is just so silly to…
Yeah, it’s not like we can just BE PATIENT OR SOMETHING.