Mr Saturn

Thank God I have my NES.


1. Mega Man 2

I’m sorry, but they were pussies and they know it. If they had a man doing the pick up lines, it would have gone muuuuch different! All the SJWs would have come out in droves.

You’re always in control of your own destiny, regardless of who sits in office.

You called your dad crying because a particular president was elected? What the actual fuck? Get over yourself please, and grow some thicker skin.

I always rush to post on these articles and then I realize later that I’m commenting on something from Jezebel. Go figure! And thanks! I hope your day is great!

You guys are so over dramatic. He’s being egotistical and over confident. He’s not suggesting a dictatorship. Jesus christ and his brother boy George...

This article is fear based. It’s great that you are highlighting some awesome organizations, but you are afraid of Trump based on little soundbites you have heard from the news. There is more to this issue than what you say. And besides, Hilary was a criminal and got away with breaking the law, so I would rather

60 hours for one level? That’s just stupid, I’m sorry. Video games are a waste of time as it is, but that’s just epic level stupidity.

I agree. I have tons of games that already fit this description on my Super Nintendo, so I don’t have to spend any money on this. I might snag it when it hits a sale, because these kinds of games always hit $3.99 at some point. Just wait long enough and you can get a great games library for cheap, thanks to Steam

I think you mean “smart” and not “cheap.” $25 is a full tank of gas for me, and a little more pays for all my groceries. Yeah, this guy worked on something for 9 years, and it’s the dev’s prerogative to charge what they want. But, a game that looks like something I can just play right now on my Super Nintendo is a

It feels like this article is just one huge justification for liking video games. You don’t have to justify to anybody. You only live once, and you are in charge of your destiny. Justifying yourself to others shows that you aren’t truly confident in your path, even when you really are. I say, try letting go of

Why can’t people see that this is a poor excuse to get money out of you? Tear up the cards? Write in permanent marker on the map? Once you have torn up enough things, the game will be unplayable, and you’ll have to buy it again or get replacements of the things you tore up.

“Wanna see why they call me, Oak?”

Put those tits away, you whore.

Are you the new “racey” writer for Kotaku? Oh brother...

He didn’t say, “zero people will watch this,” he suggested that, “not a lot of people will watch it,” and not a lot of people watch those things, compared to other things.

Holy shit.

Playing team sports is the epitome of learning life skills for children. Working together as a team is an important aspect in the work place, marriage, and friendships. I agree. Lanza is an asshole.