You were smart with your decision! I chose a similar approach. I bought it on Steam and set a timer for 90 minutes to try it...and then promptly refunded it. I'm glad i did!
You were smart with your decision! I chose a similar approach. I bought it on Steam and set a timer for 90 minutes to try it...and then promptly refunded it. I'm glad i did!
Yes. With modern gaming, chosing the “wait and see” approach is always best, due to over saturation of marketing hype. They’re really pushing those preorders, for whatever reason, these days. I stopped preordering. Even as excited as I am for The Last Guardian, I am practicing some restraint and am going to see what…
Maybe, but when you’re super excited about the project you’re working on, it’s normal to color the truth a little bit brighter. He ended up back pedaling on a few interviews on IGN and other places so I’m surprised that everyone got so butthurt when I changed his mind about features, last minute.
Sean Murray has probably been tapped by someone at Sony and instructed to shut up. He did a lot of damage to the games reputation, so they are probably waiting for a proper PR guy to do the talking for him because he dropped the ball really badly with his past discussions of his game.
Communicating more is what got him into this mess. I think it's good that they have their heads down to work harder on the game, so that they can hopefully deliver some of their promises.
No, they have proven that Sean Murray is too free with his talk, so it makes sense that they shit him up.
They are not expected to read between the lines, but an experienced consumer learns how important that is. For example, when NMS was released on Steam, I was curious so I tried it for 90 minutes, then refunded it. But, it confirmed my suspicions: that the game was released at least a year too soon, due to its lack of…
I wish more people were as reasonable as you. Everyone else wants to practically burn Sean Murray at the stake.
Actually, if you were following interviews and posts about the game, he back pedaled on many of the features that he said would be in the game, as much as a few days before release.
Did you buy the game? If so, why didn't you refund it or sell it?
There is a lot of merit behind what you say. Many developers take a different dishonest approach, where they say too little to hide the fact that their game doesn't have much going for it.
I don’t know why everyone gets so riled up about NMS. All you had to do was NOT buy the game as soon as it came out, and wait and see. Or, if you were like me and were insanely curious, try it on Steam and then realize it’s a mile wide and an inch deep...and then refund it.
I don't have anything to argue, unlike you, who likes to generalize people based on their political selection.
That trailer sold me, and the Early Access made me change my mind. I don’t mind waiting for the finished product before making my purchase. I can wait, but I’m super pumped for this one!
First world problems.
It’s funny how you want to hold Republicans to a higher standard for presenting their arguments, and then in the same conversation refuse to do so.
Neither did you ;)
I found SotC to be boring and empty. I didn’t find it to be powerful, at all.
Taking a longer time to do something rarely turns out something bad, if the work is good and the people, sincere.
But HL3 isn’t even being made, as far as we know, and this is near to completion. How do you come to that conclusion?