Mr Saturn

“Nobody owns a 4K TV therefore this is a stupid idea.” Is basically what you are saying. Yet, 1.5 million people have bought a 4K TV, via a recent data analysis, and 4K TV sales are growing immensely. It’s almost like Sony took a look at some of those sales patterns!

Hey, I really am gunning for an HD remake of both Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls 1, mind you!

Physical media is not on a decline. Sony wants it to be on a decline, so they are encouraging it by removing the capability to play UHD Blu-Ray. Remember, they are the ones that control the hardware, not us. We can say anything we like, but the truth is that it’s the hardware manufacturer’s decision.

Thanks for the info! That means I’ll just keep my gen 1 PS4.

Besides being smaller, does it do anything different than the first gen PS4?

I was legitimately surprised by the price. I was honestly expecting them to say $600 for the Pro. I still won’t get one, as I don’t have a 4K TV and have no interest in that sort of thing, but I’m glad they hit the right price point!

From a technical standpoint, Mass Effect was the only thing that wowed me from their presentation. That weird alien girl character looked hilariously out of place, considering the level of realism they brought to the rest of the scene! They could have made her look less cartoonish...she reminded me of Jar Jar Binx, to


I love how nobody sounds excited about any of the things they are talking about. Someone needs to pump up that crowd!!


I’m actually looking forward to this. I barely play anything on my iPhone, save for Dragon Quest 2, so this will help mix things up a bit!

It’s not like you are stating anything obvious...the chief reason businesses exist is to....get ready....MAKE MONEY. gasp

You literally just tap the screen. Is that too hard?

Considering how much money they make, I would doubt that they are desperate. They are trying new things...that’s not a sign of desperation, but expansion.

Demons Souls remaster or STFU.

I agree.

I need Pokemon Go on my cockring, so I will know something is close when I’m, you know...

That’s funny, if I want to get the feeling given by ASMR I just do some Chi Kung breathing.

Earthbound was meaningful! Earthbound drew you in. Plus, they looked way cooler in Earthbound than in this crapola!

I lost interest since they introduced the boy band characters. Give me some badasses, not some spooky scene kids.