Mr Saturn

You can’t say “has a tight story” and “Metal Gear” in the same sentence.

The k-pop boyband stuff wasn’t turning you off, what with it’s trite voice acting?

Open world will never be what we think it will be: do anything anytime, anywhere. You will always be confined by the rules of the game. It would just appear that some games have a broader set of rules, like Witcher 3, and others have a more narrow set, like Dragon Warrior 2. Once you got the ship in Dragon Warrior 2,

Final Fantasy 3 (6) was mostly linear for the first 20% of the game, then the rest was 80%. They really did it right in that game.

You haven’t played Final Fantasy 3, I take it.

It’s hard to determine that before anyone has actually seen the game!

All the prior interviews and talks about this game were touting it’s open world aspect. Now, they decide to let people know after 10 years of development that it has a linear aspect. When another certain developer made promises that changed, everyone jumped down his throat. (No Man’s Sky) But this will be touted as

This game talks too much. Just wait for all the fanboys to jump on your comment...

Just wait for the fan boys to jump you.

This game talks too much.

I dealt with my backlog by selling about 80 of my games on ebay for a small fortune, and keeping about 15 of my most cherished games and being satisfied with what I have. I am one with the Way; I am all that is Zen.

This article contains proof that modern journalists are content with writing about silly, unimportant matters.

It’s ok to tell someone you don’t like something they wrote...I think these people just need more practice until they get it right.

What's alt-right?


He does have a point.

You...ok. Wow.


I just did a Google search for digimon and I got a picture with all those characters in it. I'm pretty sure she's just stupidly trolling at this point.

Go back to Dark Souls? To Super Metroid? To Earthbound? I will gladly go back to those...hate to say I'll have to pass on Call of Duty because I don't own any of those that all you've got?