Mr Saturn

I don’t understand people. “We want games to be considered art.” Then people complain, “the game is delayed! Woa is me!” If you want a medium to be represented as art, then understand that art needs time to flourish and cannot be rushed. Be patient. This game will come out when it's finished.

“Compares tasting food to understanding of game development.” You see, the problem with you is that you’re a know-it-all and the truth is you don’t know what you’re talking about. Having a piece of food in your mouth is incomparable to game development. You’re just arguing for the sake of being right, and no other

I think this is how the game should ship, to be honest.

You are welcome! Do you train?

Some history in Karate. The Japanese character for “Kara” originally meant “China” to reflect the fact that many of their forms were taught to them by Chinese travelers. So karate translated to “China Hand.” However, in the early 30's or so, Japan sought to be nationally recognized for karate, so they changed the

As a martial arts instructor, it is imperative that I play this.

If you’re being sarcastic, then lol. If you’re not, try giving the review a read. It’s basically a glowing recommendation that is blaring “yes!” In almost every paragraph.

This cosplay looks like something from a Halloween store.

Honestly, TA is run by the biggest asshole I’ve encountered on the Internet, Eli Hoddap. Can’t stand his piss poor attitude towards his reader base. Very passive aggressive, that fellow. I stopped visiting due to his abrupt snarkiness. Fuck ‘em!! lol

That one is easily my favorite.

You're just all kinds of abrasive now, aren't you?

Aria of Sorrow on my GBA. Working on a speedrun for it. Probably Mega Man 2 and 3, and some castlevania for good measure.

They were 59.99 a pop.

Your meaning is better.

I used to do that all the time in Dark Souls 2. It was hilarious how many people literally thought I was AFK. Brought me many victories!

Yeah, expecting a game under a 10 year dev cycle to be released is unrealistic. Especially considering we have a studio that churns out yearly assassins creeds and another doing yearly tell me how we don’t understand the industry, when the industry says it all with its products?

What he's trying to say is that he works in development and he knows better than you, so you aren't allowed to show disappointment because he said so.

I dunno...I'm sure there were a lot of people like me that didn't even notice the card offer. I didn't see any mention of it until I started reading the comments, here! What do the cards do, anyway?

Kotaku wouldn’t suck Bethesda’s dick, so Bethesda got butthurt. Something to that effect, right?

I knew the Fallout 4 wasn't the game for me after 20 minutes. I loved the intro! Boy was it clever, sinister, and fun all at once. But, that gameplay...for me it was bland as heck. Thank goodness for Steam refund policy!