
I wish I could have had the opportunity to choose a mid-wife. unfortuantly all my children we’re born c-section, it seems to run in my family. For whatever reason we refuse to dialate. With my eldest (whose now 21) I spent 28 hours in labor before they decided to c-section. With my second baby they told me that I was

Cranberry sauce is super easy to make,

How about instead of using Facebook for news you use something that actually is for news & combines all your news sites in one place like

Just because you are blood related doesn’t mean I have to like you or even have you in my life. I have plenty of toxic family and for this reason I keep away from them.

The only thing that upset me about this, is that there was no setting in the regular evernote app on Android to keep the screen on. However I found that the app Stay Alive! Allows me to select which apps I want to keep the screen on for so my problem was solved :)

A Slow Cooker. It’s awesome even if you’re new to cooking. It’s so easy to throw some things in the pot in the morning and have a nice dinner in the evening.

Married my Abusive ex-husband the day after my 18th birthday, 2 years later I left him and had no place to go. I stayed in my car for a bit with my 1 year old son. Eventually The Shelter for abused woman had an opening and we got in there, I slowly began to get on my feet. That was over 20 years ago.

I’m not using nicotine at all. The great thing about vaping is you can slowly reduce your nicotine use until you are using none. Lot’s of people vape without nicotine though. I’ll be giving up the vaping too and now without the nicotine it will be very easy to do.

I was smoking sometimes 3 packs a day before I quit. I was 35 years old and had picked up the habit at 11 years old. I tried everything prior to quitting. Hypnosis, The patch, gum, medication. Nothing worked I always ended up smoking again. I had to quit, my blood pressure was up, and I had early symptoms of COPD.

We saved a ton of money by skipping the wedding all together and going to a justice of the peace. :)

Yeah I'm right there with you.

They might not be everyone's enemy, but it's definitely the case for some people. There is no need to be nasty. I'm not saying that everyone should follow my example, I'm simply stating what works for me.

Actually, my doctor has been tracking me (due to the fact that I have a permanent arrhythmia) My heart is fine(as much as it can be with an arrhythmia) and my blood pressure and cholesterol have both went down. Thanks for your concern though ;)

My "Diet" (read lifestyle change) Doesn't leave me hungry at all and I've lost 40 pounds so far. Low Carb, High Fat. The Fat in my diet fills me up and my body doesn't have to process all those nasty carbs.

As both a woman and someone with 2 auto-immune diseases (graves disease and Hashimoto's) I had pretty much given up on losing weight my body constantly working against itself to keep me miserable. What finally has worked is the low carb keto diet. Not only have I lost 40lbs so far on it, it has also cleared up a bunch

I don't drink coffee, however my hubby does and his morning breakfast on a work day consists of coffee with Butter, Coconut oil and Heavy cream. He does this because we both cut out carbs.

Honestly at the moment I don't have a raid setup. I'm currently working on getting the parts for a new home server build then I'm going to look into it. At the moment though My storage space is spread out between 2 internal Hard drives and 3 external (Hence the reasoning behind getting a new build together). Sorry I

I'm using Ubuntu for my home server. Currently it serves up about 6 terabytes worth of media along with a few other pieces of home software. It works quite well.

Got mine refurbished from Groupon for $15.00 It was worth the $15.00 but I'm also glad I didn't pay more for it.