If you generally enjoy low-stakes reality TV, I recommend watching it. Not necessarily the special, but the series. Keeping Up has become my go-to when I need to like, zone out and watch something fun.
If you generally enjoy low-stakes reality TV, I recommend watching it. Not necessarily the special, but the series. Keeping Up has become my go-to when I need to like, zone out and watch something fun.
I don’t really care about the Kardashians and Caitlyn is a terrible person, but Kylie saying she’s happy her dad is finally her true self is wonderful.
That’s nice to hear. I have heard from multiple sources that you won’t find a more consummate professional on a set than Kim Kardashian. So as far as I’m concerned they can keep on keeping on. I don’t watch the show or buy any K products but I’ve also known much smaller potatoes with much larger egos and a propensity…
I can share one positive piece of gossip about the Kardashians that I’ve heard from people in the know that increases my patience for them:
I have chosen my side. I am gonna stick by it.
My favorite moment, not listed here:
The more coverage this gets, the more compelled I am to tune in. After never seeing an episode I’m almost at the point of caving in.
The “Please Don’t Let Them Be Black” prayers didn’t work, this time. Oh well, rot in jail, asshole.
i’m about 4 beverages in while i binge netflix and for the first time today i want to do something productive. Can we please drag this POS on twitter? Nobody f’s wit prince. Signed, drunk and now emotional.
Right? I’m not sure how one can trademark a saying that is a rip-off of someone else’s already copyrighted work...
“Just landed in Bedminster”.
Kimsaprincess Inc.
That one and the “Ivanka the Epitome” one made me ugly laugh.
That’s literally her whole business strategy. Makes sense. Birds of a feather
Or, here’s another thing to consider: I, for example, share an apartment with two other people. Yes, we have a kitchen, fridge, and pantry. But it’s not big enough for 3 people to keep all their own stuff. Getting things pre-measured means I don’t have to throw out produce because it goes bad before I can eat it, or…
My cousin and his wife use Blue Apron fairly frequently. Of course, he is an ER physician and she is a general surgeon (both in NYC), so the last thing they want to do with the little time that they have off of work and together is go grocery shopping.
Also, I’m pretty sure that Blue Apron costs less per person than…
I don’t want to do those things all the time
There will be many over the years. It took about twelve years for the first blockbuster about Pearl Harbor (From Here to Eternity, 1953), and they’ve been grinding that tragedy out about every five years since.