Rattie Mattie

That’s not entirely true. I work full time as a picture framer at Michaels, which is technically a retail job, and I am most certainly am paid hourly, not salary. Full time hourly positions get paid holidays on Christmas, New Year’s Day, and I think Thanksgiving and Easter, but maybe just Thanksgiving. If you work

They are doing more NOW, but really what’s been driving the spread of such stories is the rise of podcasting, which competes with NPR. Most all of the stories about women’s sexual and reproductive health I hear on my NPR One app are from outside programs or programs that have been produced in association with, but not

What in the world is going on with that front end? That’s... too much grille. That’s like someone accidentally clicked the mouse twice in Photoshop and didn’t know how to use the Undo button. That’s... Ugh, Imagine that in Chrome. It’s only made slightly better by the all-over satin black.

I’m sorry, I know this article is about whiskey stones, but I just can’t get over the link to the $80 scrunchie. I mean, what? Even the most buttery leather would not be $80 in scrunchie form, and looking at that picture, it looks like the cheapest form of patent leather in a hideous, sickly shade of lavender that

I’ve been trying to reply to this for 15 minutes but Kinja gonna Kinja and every time I pressed “reply” it would reload the whole page.


This won’t apply to everyone, but me and my husband had been going thru infertility treatments, and the worst advice everyone loves to give is “Just relax! It will happen when you least expect it!” No, Karen, it won’t. I don’t ovulate without medical help. Ovulation requires pills and shots and transvaginal

I heard on a podcast of an NBC show a few nights back that she wasn’t pleading to be a spy, and that “foreign agent” in this case is more akin to a foreign lobbyist. She wasn’t trying to spy, but gain favor. I don’t know how true that is, but that was how they explained why she wasn’t being charged as a spy,

The cognitive dissonance needed to be a gay man married to a gay man and then write that gays should not get to be married or have children is stunning. Like, live your convictions, man. You don’t get to be a married gay man and tell other gay people that they don’t get to have what you have. That’s douchey in the

Unless you are allergic to citrus, then breaking with tradition and putting a couple fresh Pink Lady apples in the stocking will super duper suffice. Bang on about the socks though. Socks are the best gift.


The plea deal in exchange for leniency is how Nixon’s VP, Spiro Agnew, was forced out of office. He left as a convicted felon, but the deal was that if he resigned and pleaded guilty, nothing else would happen to him. 

I should ask my parents if they ever bought snow tires. I was born in Chicago but I was down south way before driving age. Now I don’t have the proper warm blood to manage the cold of a norther or midwestern winter, I’m afraid. My husband, on the other hand, would be super happy to live somewhere a lot colder.

Here’s a question I’ve always had for people who live in snow tire conditions: Where do you store the tires you aren’t using? I know a fair amount of people have garages and storage sheds, but what about people who live in condos or apartments, or even houses that don’t have garages? I’ve always wondered that. Do you

I have to be really careful with vitamin pills. Between the citrus and the food colorings often in them, I can’t take a lot of them. My current pill has ascorbic acid, yes. I think the first time I saw bioflavinoids I side-eyed so hard. 

This is good info. Thankfully I do not have to avoid citric acid, which would be a nightmare. That stuff is in everything. (Also, being allergic to citrus means all your friends read labels with “citric acid” in them and freak out on your behalf.) I suppose all I can really do is try something with LAA. I wonder if I

That sounds nice, but I’m allergic to citrus. Are any of these Vitamin C based lotions and serums made without citrus? I haven’t found one yet. : /

That was a good episode of a good podcast.

I really feel like the whole election should be redone, considering all the problems. Redone, and overseen by some outside regulator and not anyone who has a horse in the race. 

I’m terrified of BMW just up and taking their shit and going home. I remember visiting the plant in high school when it first opened and being wowed. My brother still lives in Greenville, and his wife works at that plant. A lot of people work at that plant. B=If the trade war fucks over the plant, then Greenvile