Rattie Mattie

We have two cats, and my current cats are murder machines. Well... one is. The other might be too fat to murder anyone. So my current mischief doesn’t get floor time, just outside time on the bed with the door closed and lots of shoulder time. I’ve had a few rats who were given the run of the house during floor time,

That happened in our state. NC elected Cooper as governor in 2016, ousting the republican shithole McCory, and he refused to concede the vote for MONTHS. It was a ridiculous, whiny, stupid, childish tantrum. He kept demanding recounts. It wasn’t even that close of a race, once all the absentee and provisional ballots

I keep pet rats and I have that problem when I have to kill rats or any sort of rat monster in games, or watch that ind of thing in movies. It doesn’t help that in movies all the little trained rattie actors are obviously just pet rats who have been rubbed with some water and stage dirt, if anything at all. People

This is exactly how my last kitty, Tree, passed. She was never a fat cat, always thin, but she started getting real skinny. But after she went on the thyroid meds, they made her nauseous and she wouldn’t eat, and then her kidneys just went haywire. It was awful. 

My first car was covered in bumper stickers, but the one that got me pulled over so the cop could read it was “Do auto-paranoiac, schizophrenic, agnostic, dyslexic, insomniacs like awake at night wondering if they might be the dog that’s out to get them.”

That would have been way more interesting. We changed our frameshop name to Aaron Brothers a few months after they added the collection, so they had to redo all the standees. Not really sure what happened to the old one, tho. We get a LOT of dumpster divers and maybe some creepy lady in a Mercedes (all of our dumpster

Almost as tall. This is actually the second standee, the first one was taller and creeper, tbh. 

Could be worse. I work at Micheals in the frame shop and one of our collections of custom moldings is by them and that means I have a lifesized cardboard cutout of them haunting my every step as I work. Their eyes follow my every movement. Their perfectly pressed chambray shirts cast a sickly blue light over my

Teal really was the 1993 color. my 1993 LeBaron was teal. Yeah I know, but it was my dad’s car first, and for a girl’s first car was not terrible. But 1993 and teal...  There was an old dude at my church who ALSO had a teal LeBaron sedan. I would accidentally walk over to that car until mine became mine, and then I

I saw that ad and immediately thought of you, Torch.

I prefer the reclaiming that one person in our Handmaids Tale Dragoncon Costuming group does: she has one of those inflatable T-Rex costumes, and made herself Ofrex. Nothing is funnier than the waving, wobbling, white-bonneted head of an inflatable T Rex bopping along as she runs along the side of our somber group

Yeah, tho the company is owned by Talbots now, so my mom just shifted over thataway. So now my jeans are Talbots jeans, cause my mom will never stop shopping, and she loves taking me with and buying me things. I do miss how pretty the Coldwater Creek stores were, and they always knew my mom. She has had to return tops

Ooooo I was NOT fashionable for many years. So this is the mid-90's, haven of all things burgundy and hunter green. And I LOVED burgundy and hunter green. I also was a big fantasy and sci-fi nerd. This is relevant.

Usually they mean state coastal lines, in a hurricane situation. The evacuation is taking place more inland, I think, outside of the mandatory evacuation route. But I may be wrong. SC does things weird. I’m in NC, and our governer is not playing around.

Senior year of high school, 1998. and I’m working at a restaurant. I had to go in for an early morning meeting right before working a double on a Saturday, so I was already a bit miffed. I was heading back home for a couple of hours before shift started, and was crossing the main intersection. The light turned green,

I live and work in Raleigh, NC, and for a year or so we had a lady who would come into our store whom we knew as the “ma’am” lady. She HATED when people would call her ma’am, which must have meant that everywhere she went she was screaming at everyone, cause this is the South, and it’s ingrained into most everybody to

What confuses me is why ECU didn’t just make their virtual campus ALL pirate ship. Just a huge pirate ship full of classrooms. Too many prims maybe?

Didn’t he sell the Wagoneer cause he plans to devote his time to the Golden Eagle?

Rats can totally be litter-box trained and are smarter than most dogs. The catch is, they are so small that they can’t do many helpful tasks. They are good for emotional support and could probably be trained in seizure detection, but they can’t do much else. Now, outside of personal support, rats are used to detect

Also, you get addiction treatment in jail.