
If a man can’t get a date it’s because women feel there’s something off or creepy about him. Fat guys, short guys, bald guys, old guys, etc. still manage to find women. After all, most women don’t look like supermodels. They can’t get tall, handsome guys because for many women good looking guys are out of their

Fact of the matter is, men don’t treat women as equals. They still treat women as play things and someone to take care of all the shitty chores. Women are slowly moving away from a life where they have to be shackled to some dude and baby, work for eight hours, take care of dude/baby, and always put everyone else

Men’s (nice) suits are expensive compared to a lot of my (ladies’) work attire, but they probably need like 1/3 (or less) the variety that I do. If I wear my blue shift dress and white blazer two weeks in a row, I’m a freak. If a man wears his nondescript black suit with a blue collared shirt twice in the same week,

This chainsawsuit comic is my favorite response to the “all lives matter” people:


Professionals can’t get stuck in traffic or lose their car keys or be unable to find parking or...? Why are people always looking for reasons to get upset?

I’m sorry; I can’t seem to hear you over the ticking of my second-to-second timepieces, the gentle buzz of my calendar timer, and the banging of your self-righteous gavel.

Imagine being told that if you worked hard just like your parents did you would get the same opportunities they would, so you go into life expecting that just by the sheer power of your effort you will succeed. Only now ten other people are vying for your job who grew up hearing the same thing.

don’t you mean wombmen?

I think it's like a dog whistle. You can't hear it above a certain iq.

White people.

“The gal that’s running against me is a 30-year-old, you know, mom, mother of two infants,” the 62-year-old Republican said during a radio interview. “And I don’t know if anybody mansexplained to her we’ve got to spend three nights a week in Columbus...”


Maybe if his wife, Mrs. Bush, had been supervising his daughter’s science projects, she wouldn’t have tried smoking them.

I’ve got a friend who is a cancer researcher and every time I see her I like to condescendingly (and moronically) remind her that if cancer gets cured people will still have strokes. I think she’s starting to get my point...

It's widespread by definition.

Self-proclaimed libertarians love to tell other people they are actually libertarian too.

“I made a point to talk to female guests,” he said.

Hmmm these covers are okay. But could we get a blond white woman to put on some brown face and recreate them so we can truly see how beautiful these ladies are?

This is Adequate Man, not I Spent $500 On Snow Tires And Probably Also Didn't Use Underwear As A Washcloth This Morning Man.