
Oh definitely. I would kill to look half as good as she does now when I’m her age. Hell, I’m probably half her age and I’d kill to look that good now.

Strong counter argument.

I think there needs to be, I dunno, more safety pins or something. Or maybe it’s glitter that’s missing? Not 100% sure.

He’s Angelina Jolie-ing here and I like it a lot.


She’s looking very Joan Jett in this and I definitely dig it.

Does it actually matter if she was taking a piss or a shit? Like, she needed to go to the loo, that’s not controversial. And Bernie certainly isn’t keeping it in the news, that honor falls to Trump for bringing it up, and then the media for posting and reposting his quote everywhere.

Wait, when has he said nasty stuff about Hillary? Isn’t this post all about him mocking Trump for mocking Hillary? Like, calling it ridiculous the woman can’t pee without judgement? Isn’t that like ... defending her? Or at least, ~not~ being nasty about her?

I’m home sick today and I definitely just opened up a million tabs to reread all of these again.

Wait, is there no liveblog for the dem debate???

IS THIS THE STUPID CHEERLEADER SONG. I’m not clicking on it to find out, because OH MY GOD I hate it so much. I have a physical reaction when it comes on the radio, it’s terrible.

Kara, okay, I feel you on Classic Man, but I have seen that video so many times and there’s always another, hotter guy hiding somewhere in the video to find, so like ... I don’t think I can agree with you. The beard/hair/suit game is so on point.

I’ve only ever watched a few episodes, tbh, but what I’ve seen is awesome. I lost access to most of my binge watching tru-crime like four years ago when we got rid of cable :(

I love all of them so much, but Deadly Women is in like the top three

Really?? I didn’t know they were on Hulu. This is excellent news for my weekend.

YES. This will scratch the itch I’ve had since Netflix quietly disappeared all of its Investigation Discovery shows. I was SO FUCKING HEARTBROKEN when all those wonderful Women Who Kill episodes just poof! in a cloud of smoke.

Or “I didn’t do this” maybe? I don’t care, either way that fucker is locked up where he belongs.

I have a lot of feelings about this post, but my primary feeling is, how tall is Taylor Swift compared to other normal humans? Because in some of these pictures she is a GIANT, TOWERING PRESENCE and in others she looks normal-sized and in OTHERS she looks like a toty wee elf. I don’t understand.

Why would I stop? So things can get worse? No thanks.

That’s pretty much all I have to contribute at this point. I am just deeply exhausted trying to fight this seemingly endless tide of idiocy, bigotry, sexism, racism, Islamophobia, climate change denial....the list never seems to fucking end.