mrs. jnorman

That’s what most people think.

When my boss was getting ready to leave she basically came out and said I needed to look for a managerial position to further my career. I told her I was happy where I was and that I prefer to continue working on projects (solo and collaboratively) rather than managing people. I think she thought I was crazy, but I

I also work for one of those (or at least the development department is like that). Granted, sometimes I work more than 40 hours a week when we’re really busy, but I don’t mind because the rest of the time its 8:30am-5:00pm and no weekends or evenings unless I chose to so I can get ahead on projects. I also walk to

I have also been this person. It was a private concert at my organization’s annual Gala. Tavares was playing “More Than a Woman” and I recorded the whole thing and sent it to my mom the next morning. Fortunately, I was helping with social media for the event and everyone had already watched me running around snapping

What are your thoughts on Creep? Mr. Jnorman put it on because I occasionally watch The League. He didn’t realize what he was in for and cursed me for liking horror movies after that one.

I think being in higher ed makes a difference. I’m also not front facing and can go all day without seeing one of my colleagues.

My nonprofit is a residential school for kids with visual impairments and other disabilities, so the program staff tends to dress down anyway. I think the fact that I’m not front-facing makes a big difference. I can also bring my dog to work. He’s currently sleeping under my desk.

You’re like my twin! I work in development, but am not front facing so I live in black skinny jeans tops from Loft/Banana Republic, cardigans and flat ankle boots. I recently discovered that nice black yoga pants can also double as work clothes. I’m comfortable all day and can get more work done!

I left at 17 and never went back. My parents are lovely, but they live in the middle of nowhere so it was never really an option.

I too feel like an ass walking in with bangs that completely obsure my eyes and asking for a free “trim.” I usually tip $10.

I can see how most homes shouldn’t be considered an investment. That said the value of our condo has gone up by $30,000 since we bought it last year.

Puppies’ immune systems can fluctuate, so that’s one option. Not to sound like a crazy, anti-vaccer, but it could have also been a chronic reaction to a rabies vaccine. We’re planning to have him titer tested for everything but rabies since the state requires a rabies booster within 12 months of his first vaccination.

The funny thing about puppy mange is that it doesn’t usually itch or hurt. It’s a sign of a compromised immune system though, so we wanted to get it taken care instead of hoping it would go away on its own or using an antiparasitic agent that kills the mites but doesn’t solve the problem.

Agreed. Not the same as a child, but when our dog got puppy mange we decided to take him to a homeopathic/naturopathic vet before pumping him full of ivermectin. He was only 8 months old, so our regular vet said we should just “see if the hair would grow back on its own” before giving him a strong antiparasitic agent.

Thank you! Wasn’t fishing for compliments, but I’ll take it.

Bangs cut off your face, your wonderful, beautiful face, and make you look childlike and sad, all at the same time. They won’t flatter your best features, and if your goal for them is to hide your bad ones? Nope, that’s not happening either.

I think we had the same roommate!

Replace toddler with a puppy and you’ve got my morning. Nothing gets you up early like a 3-month-old beagle puppy that has to pee, poop and/or vomit (depending on how many sticks/grass he inhaled on your walk the night before) at 5am. Also don’t forget to give yourself a few minutes to put some hydrogen proxide on the