Thanks for this:)
Thanks for this:)
They build you up just to tear you down. What you saw last night was the moment where everyone who was upset that he has succeeded so wildly got their chance to pile on. Ask Robert Griffin.
I understand your anger at our Stone-Age healthcare system. I’m happy that kind-hearted souls will step in and help where monolithic companies will not.
Now I see that the Sharknado concept was actually spawned in the 90s....
Except the body-mass index provides a pretty good, objective clue as to what should be considered unhealthy/overweight and what should be deemed the norm, provided muscle mass is taken into account.
Ummm...yes, it is a bad thing, not in the sense that there is anything morally wrong with being fat, but in the myriad of ways that being fat damages one’s actual health and physical well-being. Happy to provide hard scientific articles as proof if you’d like.
Sorry, but the fat police need a sketch to apprehend their suspect. She can define her body the way she wants to, but others are not compelled to buy what she’s selling. Can I define myself as being a sandy blonde with hazel eyes even though my eyes are brown and my hair is similarly hued? Wow, this is fun....
“Incomplete Year One Exotic Bounties are auto-completed with their respective Vendors”.
Thanks for the hearty laugh:)
+1 chin
Disagree. I hold more or less this person’s view, and my sole concern is making it harder to kill people with guns (or any weapon). I favor a ban on all automatic or semi-automatic weapons, and would be perfectly happy if people were only allowed to carry 6-shooters a la the Wild West. Won’t stop these crimes from…
Fun fact: Couples therapy is for couples. The fact that this guy was/is seeing a therapist alone means he is selfish and interested only in his side of the relationship (as if that weren’t already obvious).
Must be a large, gaping vagina!
And this guy has no problems potentially screwing his kid(s) up either, all in the name of “good parenting”. Makes me want to vomit. What a waste of organic matter.
By virtue of being a starting NFL QB, you’re one of the best 32 in the world at your job, so it’s not that big of a leap to feel like you may be number one. Just saying.
+1-st grade reading level
Ummm, RG3 would like a word with you. “Cornball brother” was just the first shot fired, and that was when he was enjoying Cam Newton-circa-2011+ popularity. The personal attacks have been increasing in frequency as his play has slipped. I think at this point it’s safe to say that racism, jealousy, and a certain je ne…
To be fair, it’s a pretty big advantage when the other guy is wearing a helmet that you can use to control your opponent. Not that 40+lbs and 5 inches (presumably translating into a longer wingspan) isn’t already an unfair advantage....
This one’s better, in large part because of Goodell’s ridiculous “I’m passing a large object through my colon” face.
That is brilliant (on both of your parts)!