
Damn, +1

“another aging star”? I think any team would want to sign a star who WASN’T AGING, preferably to a lifetime contract.

So much anger and negativity-it’s Friday, let’s be happy!

Fuck atheists, fuck agnostics, fuck anyone who is spiritual but not religious. Do you see how stupid your comments sound from the other side?

Oh, good points. I mean, everyone who doesn’t agree with you is an asshole. Manny Pacquiao’s beliefs are certainly less valid than your beliefs; in fact, why let anyone with any sort of beliefs at all into office? Oh yeah, because everyone has their own set of beliefs and values and in a free society these are all


Regarding the last point, Mance Rayder would like a word with you....

People who are worthy of being held up as role models should be held up as role models. Sometimes these people are athletes. Therefore, some athletes should be held up as role models. has he helped kill them? Did he impregnate the women and then deny them maternal care? Did he give them STDs? I get that his beliefs don’t jive with your own, and that you feel that he should use his power to pass measures that you feel are important, but “helped kill them”? That’s ridiculous.

As others have articulated in the comments, no one’s looking for a binary “thumbs up/thumbs down” as to the nature of the crime, but a nuanced piece on whether or not the crime deserves the death penalty. THAT question does require some serious thought and is worthy of debate. IMO, however, Deadspin is not the place

Thank you-everyone who has a shred of decency agrees that the bombing was horrific. However, there is an intense debate as to whether it (or anything else) warrants the death penalty.

Ummm yes, it makes perfect sense, if you consider that there is a third group out there, a group that doesn’t want or need voice chat in any form; to them, implementing this feature is a waste of resources that could be used to better the core game. Or how about the folks who don’t want their maiden voyage into online

Nothing was removed, they simply omitted it. Personally, I only care to use voice chat when playing with friends, so I wish they had a “friends only” option, but this is nothing that can’t be rectified using Skype or a bluetooth headset and a phone. Nintendo knows these things exist, we all know these things exist, so

I agree with everything you said. Everything this scumbag policeman did was reprehensible (and that's an understatement). I was simply debating the gentleman who commented that "profession x" is more dangerous than being a police officer, noting that the constant sense of danger, while not actually danger per se, is

I see what you're saying, but I don't believe that the "fear of danger/death" is quite as omnipresent as it is in the lives of some police officers. (And I mean SOME, because here in Boston many police officers often preside over lone construction workers fixing potholes!)

Call me soft, but if no one (including the police) had guns this wouldn't have happened because it couldn't have happened....

Shhh-don't let facts get in the way of a good argument!

Agreed-this piece makes a lot of good points, but man the hyperbole is on full throttle here. Adding "White Hispanic" George Zimmerman is just the inflammatory icing on the cake.

I get where you're coming from, but my take as a practicing Catholic is that one stays at the table to help push for change within the faith. Although the pace of change may seem glacial, it's important not to let radicals or the ill-intentioned run the show.

Keeping Austin weird...and awesome!