If it were sold at the stadium, it would be at least $10, then they'd milk you for another $10...for milk.
If it were sold at the stadium, it would be at least $10, then they'd milk you for another $10...for milk.
Nice try, but have you actually looked into the etymology of the word? It was a term used by Native Americans to describe themselves, then it was hijacked as pejorative, and now, as evinced by the division even within Native American groups, many of whom have schools with identical nicknames, it is up for debate if…
Actually, he's helping the pro-Redskins cause. By juxtaposing the buffoonish caricatures of various groups with the fairly dignified Redskins logo, it's pretty easy to see that the logo itself, at least, is meant to represent Native Americans in a positive light.
Siding with knee-jerk idiots who invoke Hitler at a whim is better? If the argument is decided by who NOT to side with, then there are no winners here...
Not sure, but I know who lost:)
The more I hear Herm Edwards speak, the more I am sure that he would have benefitted from the NFL's new concussion guidelines....
Uncanny-my narrative would've had him taking over for a hobbled Romo in Year 2, then being placed on the PUP list for trying to snort the 50-yard line in a Week 1 game against the Giants.
Seconded. He was a one-and-done anyway, and why not? If his family needs to be taken care of, then more power to him.
You should read the formal report on Vick's operation...at times he was in fact hands on, though I can't say whether he killed puppies or adult dogs (as if it matters).
Not to disrespect anything you just said, because your points are all quite valid, but I couldn't help but chuckle at your penis pun ("to be quite frank"). :)
Beautiful, made my day:)
I can't wait to see how Lebron makes his escape, with Phil Knight cursing violently off-camera, his impotent cries echoing dimly in the fading light....
There is also the effect of setting the precedent of jettisoning or failing to pay aging players, which makes a destination less attractive to free agents. If the system is institutionalized (as in the NFL) then the effect is negligible, but if it is not, then good luck selling a client on a trip to amnesty-ville.
I feel the same way-the "hockey assist" needs to be in play when talking about Spurs players' performance.
Maybe someone already said this, but where the hell are the Spurs in all of this? I think this past playoffs have established beyond a reasonable doubt that there is real (and financial) value in the team, not just in the sum of its parts (of course you can't pay "the team"...or can you?)
Airtight Games' Last Gasp?
This and Croaker are worth the price of admission alone:)