Mr. Anthony Rubino

A whiny old person in this day and age? Nuh-uh! Baby Boomers have been nothing but gracious in their aging. Like a fine antifreeze-curdled wine.

Something something strict constructionism something something activist judges something something states rights.
Well that was certainly convincing!

"Kohan and Co. were way too enamored of Nancy and assumed that all of us were, too." I didn't watch. Did she end the series going off into the sunset and becoming a lumberjack?

Mind you, Tatum got the Oscar at 10 and Ryan never got much past Oh-God-Oh-Man-Oh-God-Oh-Man.

But the real question I need answered: Does she still like bl— *race war*

Erin friggin' Brockovich. I can't even Begin.

Definitely a miscommunication or two for that scene.

It will win all the Newberry Awards. Anyone who points out it is not a book will be dealt with harshly.

Hanoi Jane strikes again.

Those were made in anger. Mickey Rooney was cast in… love?

Siege engines cosplaying as Stevie Nicks.

In ye olden times, they used to say every auteur salivated to see their work credited as a "scathing criticism of the Thatcher era" in the Sunday paper. No difference.

That and the fact those folks could get hard off anything.

I'm imagining a training course where people are taught to recognize the female nerd in the wild by her top hat and bustles. Much like Benjamin Franklin's comment on women's fashion of the day, they can be mistaken for siege engines at far distances.

Indeed. What self-respecting nerd would wear clothing with dumb slogans on it?

Everybody is a hypocrite and that is why you don't have to listen to anybody. #21stCenturyArgumentTechniques

Were not you aware? Everything always has an equal and exact opposite. Finding them, no matter how well-hidden, is cruise control for iconoclasm.

There was literally no other point to the weird noir-y backlighting in Essen's office than to keep Dent in half shadow.

I recently had to be reminded this had been set up back about 20 episodes ago with Trident Shipping and the kid-stealers. This season truly feels like it has been going on forever.

What I get from that is fans of the comic have been complaining about the shade of his coat so much, someone from the show had to publicly reassure everyone. …Well THAT should fix everything.