All of a sudden, I'm all punchy and full of rage.
All of a sudden, I'm all punchy and full of rage.
ok so...I don't NORMALLY wish for someone to suffer immediate death but...this bitch.
one of my favorite punishments to inflict on my sons is to not just take away their video games, but to make them sit and watch me play them and beat their high scores.
I lost my viginity at age 13 to a 17 year old boy while we were inpatients at a mental hospital. He was sweet. He made me feel worth something (not just with the sex, but he was just nice to me. Which not alot of people were).
for using this gif, you are my favorite kind of person.
I'm so disappointed with Jill Scott.
Misha is amazing.
why was the word hot in quotation marks in the thing about my television boyfriend, Jensen Ackles?
also, I'm still in the greys? :(
alot can be overlooked in this country if you can do talented things with a football.
this was my first thought!
I grew up in Fleetwood, so I always claimed the Fleetwood Cadillac as our claim to fame.
Me too! Grew up in Fleetwood!
thanks! I try my hardest with both him and his little brother to teach them how to be good people.
I was confused by this part as well.
so much this..I have 2 sons, and I am making it my mission to raise them to be compassionate men who would not stand for this shit happening. My oldest is 9, and we have already had numerous talks about respecting people and sticking up for what's right.
I was proud of myself for only tearing up a little while reading the article. Then I saw this picture and am crying so hard, the screen of my phone is wet. All of my hugs go to you.
YESSSS!! I'm furious. Furious that people couldn't take time to fucking VOTE. The Republicans have our rights in their crosshairs, but you couldnt take time out of your day to vote??
34. Not only voted, but took my 9 and 4 year olds along to impress on them how important voting is.
this, 100%. I have 2 children. I have stayed at home for 8 years now. My youngest goes to school next year, so theoretically I could get a job then. But I have been out of the workforce for so long, with no degree or skill whatsoever.