Ferrari is making money, yet every sale is a fire sale.
Ferrari is making money, yet every sale is a fire sale.
First things first. that picture is NOT a 15 year old... maybe when he was 10.
Wait until the Demons start coming out of Cars and Coffee in the hands of goof balls like these. The carnage will be epic.
“Why is it always the people with shitty cars that try and show out? No one gives a fuck about your 10-year-old V6 charger, I promise.”
“The car, according to Blue Ribbon News, was donated to the Genesis Center by a local resident battling cancer:
I’m a full on admitted beer nob, er snob. You probably won’t find Corona chilling in my fridge (I need that room for my growlers of Imperial IPAs, Goses, crazy ABV imperial stouts, a bottle of Pliny, and a can of Heady).
In fairness, Coronas make sense in these films because it takes also requires suspension of disbelief to think it’s a good beer.
Your putting WAY to much emphasis on the gender. Every shop does something like this to the new guy.
So now RT is a legitimate news source?
Please tell me that Torchinsky was not allowed to write the questions. My knowledge of pre-war French hood releases is not up to snuff.
Literally the first sentence of the article.
Here are some pet AND car photos from a time when my little Portia was barely bigger than her little Porsche.
D.B. Pooper
Hail, Hail!
Demon-branded safety reflector triangles to put out after you’ve fishtailed into the Lambo dealership?
I can see you read the entire article before posting so that your point wouldn’t be useless and irrelevant. Good work
Only 30 copies will be made with an estimated price of 750,000 Euro or approximately $793,000
I could have made this post “What Audi were you happy to be done with”
My first car, a 1982 Plymouth Reliant wagon. It was uncool in most imaginable ways, not engaging or great to drive, pretty damn slow, and needed repairs fairly frequently.