
Croctopus IV

You probably should stay away from Three's Company reruns on TVLand.

Ding ding ding, we have a winner!

Sorkin found a way to show the 1% struggling to pay the bills.

I really hope Sorkin and Lieberstein find a reason for Kat Dennings and Sloan Sabbith to have some sort of conflict. I've been good. Can I be rewarded with a Kat fight?

Will it be a problem for Will McAvoy that the air-gapped computer was purchased, not only with his black Amex, but with his knowledge and permission?

Between election night at the end of season two, and the Boston bombing in tonight's season three premiere, a little more than five months have passed in the Sorkin universe. Maggie's hair grew back quite beautifully.

"I'm not putting Will on the air to say something bad may happened in Boston, but we're not sure what."

How is it possible that the head of CIA operations in London, Steve Navarro, is in a database as known associate of a professional assassin?

Or you remember the auction storyline from Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip.

Did you miss the episode where Will makes a guest appearance on ACN's morning show? Also, the character Don is the executive producer of the ACN program Right Now With Elliot Hirsch.

Soccer is a sport.

Wrong. Mackenzie doesn't know how to use a smartphone.

Todd, why didn't you mention anything about hungover Maggie being in the room when Gen. Dutch Sonofab*tch said, "It happened."?

Unfortunately, a whole bunch of pedophiles have forever ruined Catholicism.

You just wrote 613 words that tell me you don't know the definition of "compelling".

Evan Handler has yet to turn up in The Newsroom.

Remax did not get a mention. Remax's corporate logo got significant screentime. There is no way that spot wasn't paid for.

How many Evan's have ticked off Sorkin?

How much did HBO charge for the Remax dot com commercial before Will's interview with Shelly Wexler?