Mr Rodgers Neighborhood

That was one of the most satisfying races I’ve watched in a while. Exciting from the word go, and great camera work following the circuit. And the cherry was Sagan’s win. Nice write up

Wow. These are bad options for the categories. If you want a decent non-hitch rack go with Saris. The design Allen uses WILL scratch your at if you use it over time. And saris has a lifetime warranty. The hitch model may work fine, I’ve no experience there

Wow. These are bad options for the categories. If you want a decent non-hitch rack go with Saris. The design Allen

Balance bike for adults = regular bike with pedals removed and lowered seat

That’s awesome. It took me a decade to get my wife into cycling. She’s not the fanatic I am, but we did just do a 75 mile lakefront ride this past weekend. It's nice to have a hobby to share.


[Me, shouting] “It’s Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!”
[Wife] “Wait, when’s Adam and Steve then?”
[Me] “August”
[Wife] “Alright, I’ll just pick up two cards then”

Poo purri has magical properties. My wife bought it as a gag gift and turns out it works very effectively. Only drawback is guests who don’t want to admit to the road win give off a telltale scent instead of odor.


We drank an ungodly amount of Hamms in college. My old roommate and I considered it study juice. Would sing the jingle and everything “From the laaaaand of the sky blue waaaaters...”

Oh this is solid gold. +1

For a great juxtaposition look at road racing cyclists, especially the climbing specialists. Very little size in the upper body because the arms aren't pumping. It's wasted weight to build extra upper body muscle.

The obvious ringtone for your most likely caller is “Don’t fear the reaper".

You're moving into a 3 bedroom house AND getting married? You're an adult now, Hire a god-damned mover you cheapskate, don't try to guilt your friends into being free labor.

I live in the neighborhood, in a modest condo. It's hardly "stuck up" compared to a lot of the rest of the North side.

I live down the street from Wrigley and walk past the stadium almost every day. The nightmare once the season starts is really going to be the limited entrances and the lack of sidewalk space from ongoing construction. Already congested foot traffic is going to be funneled even tighter if Sheffield isn't opened up

Could we please stop referring to a group of "power five" conferences with regards to college basketball? It's a college football construct that doesn't apply well to basketball.

+1 corpse of @dougexeter

Plus one

Also, real freezer bags, (not the sandwhich ones) and more importantly a Sharpie for the kitchen so you can label and date freezer food. Trust me, all that frozen meat starts to look the same after two weeks.