Mr Rodgers Neighborhood

I'm only halfway through it now on the DVR, but I think the Men's 400M has been the most interesting race thus far. The feel good story of Oscar Pistorius seems all but over, and the runner from Grenada finished 2nd under protest. Wariner didn't look at all.

A Good Walk on Water Spoiled

Bad Blood nearly kills lame man near LA rehab center? You don't say.

In honor of emeritus 1



Aww crap. Way to slow on the trigger.


[enters room]

The kid should be happy he just got grabbed on the shoulder. The last NFLer to get taunted for being too far left responded by knocking off five hookers.

God damn, I think the Guy Fieri @DadBoner comments might be my favorite so far. He epitomizes in my mind the type of Midwest yokel that makes Guy so popular.

I went to HS with a kid named Niels Nielson...the third. Really makes you wonder sometimes.

Go back to grad school.

Plenty of time to hit my stride.

Like this?

End of the Tour of California is on NBC. Why they decided to air what's basically a ceremonially stage over the monster trip to the top of Mt. Baldy yesterday I don't know. It's like they're admitting they have no idea how cycling works.

I'm from Wisconsin, and pretty much everyone I know has dealt with a minor infarction. I think it has to do with all the beer and cheese.

I'm a sheep!

/drops Mike