
So, Jalopnik is owned by the ultra p.c Gizmodo group, you’d think they would thrilled Tesla is doing something about global warming? Oh I forgot imillenial hipsters live to whine about shit, dog forbid someone actually does something about a problem.

Yes and both Trump and Elon are moving from win to win, does that make you sad bitter nobody?

Fortunately your bullying and authoritarian tactics are the good kind of bullying and authoritarian tactics.

Imagine I said all Muslims believe all X or Y, you’d scream not all Musllms while using the exact same tactic against all Trump supporters who cannot possibly know the views of seeing as you haven’t talked to all of them.

Literally no counter argument.

You are literally mentally ill if you think words have the power to physically harm people.

No they don’t academic displines lie the social sciences ate literally taught by 90% left leaning faculty.

Brilliant counter argument. Typical of the sort of thug who wants to end freedom of speech by mob coercion though.

Sounds like you are more interested in mass murder of political enemies than free speech?

Is this really the way you want to live stripping away the thin veneer of civilization and descending to who can shout down whom without any attempt to preserve debate based on evidence and reason. Not only is that a terrible idea for advancing human knowlodge it is a street battle you will lose as the right had far

No that is totally false. Hollywood studios had no position of government authoritarity yet managed to censor communist writers like Dalton Trumbull in the 1950s.

Would you say the same thing if it was “national anarchist” assholes trying 5i drown out a speech by Noam Chomsky?

Preventing some from speaking is not itself speech it is speech surpressed behavior. Do you really not understand that? Literally no one is saying you can’t hold signs and pass out literature opposing a speaker’s point of view. What you are not allowed to do is thrown a tantrum and surpress someone’s rights because

What if someone says the same about a communist speaker like Angela Davis considering commism led to millions of deaths in the 20th century? Aren’t we better off protecting both Mlio and Davis’s right to speak rather than descending into the barbarism of which side can form a larger mob to drown out the opinions they

So you are totes cool if skinheads thugs shout down Noam Chomsky? Is this really how we want to live?

Protest with sings and tabling is speech. Shouting someone down is not speech it is right s denying behavior. When you should someone down you have gone from answering what you percive as a bag idea with another idea to engaging in vigilante strong arm tactics to stop someone from engaging in their own right to

No, no they don’t have the right to shout him down or free speech is meaningless. It is not just the state who can surpress speech, most of the black lists against comminist writerwc in the 50s came from private Hollywood studios. If that was an attack on free speech which it was then so too is shouting down a speaker

No the argument is when your protest moves from sign holding to no platforming which is a behavior not a speech act, that you are denying the speaker his or her right to free speech.

You have a right to protest as long as it doesn’t impede other people’s speech, in other words table, hold up signs, pass out literature, etc. When you shout down a speaker though you have moved beyond the bounds of protest as an expression of speech into the behavior of suppressing someone else’s speech. And no the

Jalopnik is becoming the anti-car site. I guess that’s what I get for reading a Gawker network site.