Good thing he has rugby hands
Good thing he has rugby hands
he doesn’t have the shooting range for the modern game.
Should have been ejected earlier for being a grown man who brings a glove to a ballgame.
Its Pittsburgh, nobody native hears the wheezy breathing.
“I would have drilled Henry Rowengartner between the numbers if he yelled ‘pitcher has a big butt’ at me” - Justin Verlander, allegedly
Well, he did ask a question right out of the box, “How are you doing tonight?” but since no one answered, he felt compelled to go on. I blame the panelists.
Leach: “Hey Raccoon, where do you live?”
“Oh, you gotta track a raccoon every chance you get. Those varmints will lead you right to the best trashbins in town. Now, if you see more than one, you might think you should trail the fattest, but those are just lazy. Real limited range. The lean ones? Now they get around. You wouldn’t believe what you’ll come…
78 points to Gryffindor!
You merely adopted the darkness of rooting for the Eagles. I was born in it, molded by it.
Everyone knows that the Latke Starter is the 12 year old that has been acting shitty and therefore has to peel the potatoes.
We are nearing the point where the fan responses sound like petulant whining as opposed to the horrified scream of the abyss
Just a cheeseburger under the table and dreaming...
Guy at a Sox game said to me once “buddy, you’re not supposed to put ketchup on your hot dogs in Chi-town.”
Don’t worry, since this is Atlanta the stands will be empty in no time.
The only time I support people staying inside their own wheelhouse is when their opinion on something is so uniformly uninformed that everyone who hears it is immediately a little bit dumber for having heard it. This is not one of those cases. The travel ban affects him personally, and he said it concerns him. That’s…
Here’s a good tweet:
I’m sure you’ll FIG-ure it out