
Eventually you might unintentionally swing your arm and break off some of those light-bulbs, and then what will remind you to save water???

Fanboyism is a disease.

@mexi1010: PowerPoint/PDF viewer

@MauricioHavok: That's when you turn your screen brightness to near pitch black, turn off your wireless and start toying around with your power saving settings, in hopes of getting a few more minutes out of that battery.

windows 7 cant properly detect the battery life on my Sony VAIO.

Was giz designed with the fibonacci spiral in mind? i'll draw a spiral on a screenshot if Gizmodo and maybe just maybe...

@92BuickLeSabre: that your comfortable with your body but nervous when it comes to that gun in your bag.

what this guy does is pretty amazing!

@dufus: I disagree, I know alot of people that KNOW about picture in picture actually use it. Not only that but these features you've pointed out aren't exactly marketed. Truth is the movie industry, tech companies, etc... are all pushing 3D. Nintendo 3DS, sony and a bunch of other companies selling tvs with 3D

lol, no.

@dufus: you're not seeing passed the present. Everything will soon be sold with 3D capabilities built-in, its already starting now with tvs and game consoles. eventually 3D will set itself as a norm instead of luxury or an extra.

You can't stop the progress train! Get on or get run over; CHOO CHOO!

@geekymitch: you don't get to keep the glasses? lol I have about three of them here.

@Chernobyl: "blowing" their "noses"...

it's evolving!

@Maave: oh wow, whos side are the germans on? It's with us or against us damn germans.

@ophmarketing: Maybe, but iOS isnt right on a tablet IMO. the endless grid of icons they call the "springboard" has no place on a tablet.

really lame super virus if even the Iran government detected it. the US should of hired russians or that prince from Nigeria.