
I'm not a regular lifehacker visitor but this article definitely gives me a bad impression of this website and the lengths it's ready to go to, to gain a few dollars. Even if it means willingly providing its viewers with false information or very skewed like in this article.

1. Stability/ crashing

@Geisrud: man i thought the PS3 part would make it obvious it was all sarcasm.

I feel like an idiot, I got lost after the first paragraph.

@minibeardeath: I rather have computers take care of things than weak and inconsistent human beings.

Back off russia! the arctic belongs to us canadians! :(

yeah this would be no match against tom cruise!

@Antubis: It's still a valid question...

@medopal, medohack: the real internet. None of that no-flash allowed funny business!

better than that one device with no camera.

So most geeks dont cook cause they can't cook?

@randy182: you WILL be assimilated.

@Dalton63841: Calm down, if anything the thief was probably a kid his age, you sound like you want to go on a manhunt or something lol.

and all was good in the world for a brief instant.

@abes2: It puts a smile on Jobs face :)

I like the colors they used for the graphs, they're so pretty together!

@cec: No problem, General Troll!