mr. Radical

From the staff side, it's a huge time sink, but for players… If you want to succeed, you basically live the game for the month it's happening. Players basically get to be cut off from their friends, families, and lives for a month, but without any of the weight loss or tan.

Mostly a lack of free time. The games I ran took about a month to complete, with about a month sunk beforehand with planning and building. While the game is running, I'm pretty much eating, breathing, sleeping the game and it didn't leave a lot of time for much else while it was going on. Especially in the early

There were a few who you could tell had spent the last decade or so practicing their "not here to make friends" speech in front of a mirror, but overall, the players generally had only a passing familiarity with Survivor. Even though I'd suggest to incoming players that they do a bit of research on the game, most came

Thanks. We did most of the non-challenge stuff on a forum. Once we figured out who'd have to vote, we started a tribal council thread in that tribe's forum. Votes would be sent via message to me. Lather, rinse, repeat. Then deal with a 12 year old crying about how a bunch of adults ganged up on them. Or vice versa…

For a few years, I ran an online version of Survivor where we played challenges that I built in a PS3 game called LittleBigPlanet. The maze part of last night's challenge…. it's almost exactly like a challenge I built (and posted videos for) back in 2012. As a Survivor superfan, I know that these mazes have never