
I don't know about this. One of the reasons why I eat ramen is because it is practically instant saving me tons of time in the preparation of a meal. Very little muss or fuss. This sort of defeats that purpose of ramen or at least the ramen that I eat. If I wanted better noodles I would go and buy better noodles.

If only the comma was a semicolon, I'd agree.

There are only two paragraphs in this article! It shouldn't be *that* hard to read it all before commenting.


Yeah, I'm sure this is EXACTLY why you watch this show. Video game easter eggs

Now playing

It's official: Tales of Hearts R is coming to the west. It'll be out for Vita in Winter 2014.

I used to be with it but then they changed what It was! Now what I'm with isn't It and what's It is weird and frightening to me!

If only I had linked one! Oh wait. I did!

Now playing

This is not cosplay anymore. This is just a regular photoshoot, however impressive their likeness is.

What can we say, the man is the brand.

No shoehorn, he plays the Transistor.

Pretty sure he's voicing the Transistor.

Could be a reference to Shepard's death at start of ME2. Making the events of ME2 and 3 all take place in Purgatory. Everyone on Shepard's suicide mission are individuals who are also dead, with their intro missions showcasing how that character actually died. Mordin never got a cure, Garrus died in his standoff,