
Well a common sexist stereotype of woman in power is that they’re shrill.

because they are insinuating that her laugh is too loud, too aggressive, too much and she should be relegated to tiny giggles behind her hand like a good, docile woman would. I mean, can you believe her audacity to actually laugh her real laugh??

You SHOULD feel guilty. Get on that shit. It’s worth it. Even if you have to give up something else to make the time!!!

Funny how some self-professed progressives are going to “protest” the corrupt DNC by allowing their fellow women/minority citizens to experience the biggest setback to their constitutional rights in decades, if not centuries.

Why are you asking a question you know the answer to? This is peak white maleness.

I honestly don't know. Sarah Silverman said it best. Ridiculous.

Not just you.

Ugh I don't know. I have wanted them to shut up all evening.

What is wrong with these people? Petulant children!

love it. she must have been quite fed up, trying to talk over the loudest people in the room. remember folks, 300 people shouting is louder than 3000 people being quiet. Bernie/third party voters are out-numbered, and they’re screaming awful loud.

In Brazil (where I come from) there’s a multi-party system and we often talk about “the useful vote”- when you look at the political landscape, can’t find any ideal candidate (or your ideal candidate has zero chance of winning because he/she is polling at 5%) and there’s this one candidate who might win but really,


One of my husband’s idiot friends who I have been forced to be friends with on Facebook made some post on FB this morning about how angry he is about DWS and feeling forced to vote for Hillary and he hates it so he’s apparently just going to vote for Trump because “Bernie or Bust”. It’s just sad and it kind of ruined

I mean, there is literal evidence now that the system WAS “rigged,” as far as the DNC favoring Clinton from the outset. But that is not a good reason to not vote for Clinton in November. It’s over now. Sanders lost, fairly or unfairly, and now we’re faced with doing everything we can to prevent a Trump win.

From that Pew survey (which is here, for anyone interested):

These are the kind of supporters who would be disappointed when Bernie couldn’t finish his entire agenda in two years, forget to vote in the midterms, and then call him an ineffective president when a Republican Congress blocks all his legislation.

Am I starting to sound bitter about other Sanders supporters? That’s

Yep. I and probably a majority of my friends and family are Bernie supporters, and we are virtually ALL voting for Clinton in November. Bernie or Bust-ers are an extremely vocal minority, folks.

I just found out the emails that were hacked were all from May after the election was decided. From the tone of the reaction you’d think they were from the day after Bernie announced. Are they bad? Yes. DWS and the staffers involved should all be gone today. BUT, it’s not nearly as awful as people are trying to make

And there it is. It is no longer about Sanders, if it ever was. It's just about your precious unsustainable imaginary future and not the hard god damn work it's going to take to get there. Privilege plain and simple, what will it hurt if Trump gets elected? They won't feel any pain from his insanity.

God I hope so. But I know a lot of people who are on the “the system is rigged, the election was a fraud! elect bernie! Elect 3rd party candidates!” bandwagon.