The viper's intake is sillier than the X-32:
The viper's intake is sillier than the X-32:
Before reading this article, I want to take a moment to adress the opening statement, I love ugly aircraft. C-17, C-5, A-10, B-52... But, for some reason, I can't stand the F-16.
Even the mighty SR-71 "Habu"/"Blackbird" cannot defeat the power of dat Tomcat.
Tomcat Ass.
Even if it's not good for fighting infantry, I think an HEMTT with the Phalanx attatched to it is pretty terrifying. Plus, that sloped front end. What you cant shoot (infantry), you just roll over. 'Cause you know this thing has shittons of tourque, and wieghs about 20 tons. Too bad the ground clearance is two feet,…
Here's a joke:
The F-35, on the other hand, will most likely see no alternative manned fighter aircraft built in the US once it enters widespread use in the 2020s.
Can I just get that weird black and white paint scheme (if it is paint)? Because that actually looks really cool to me.
*starts sniffling*
Ferrari LaEnzoFerrari
I just started with GuP, and I see tanks now, and I think of GuP...
Definitely not. Crispy M&Ms were the shit.
No, they were able to detect the F-117 when its bomb bay doors were open. The bomb bay doors disrupted the smooth radar signature, and enough info got bounced back, even with the RAM to allow a missile lock. The secret to stealth is not only the RAM, but it's also the fact that their skins are so smooth (no bolts or…
I love the juke like I love my A-10 and HEMTT:
I'd just like to invoke Betteridge's law of headlines right here, by answering "No."
Sure, this is impressive, but THIS is really impressive (of course, like all good aircraft, it's no longer in service, and due to be scrapped *sigh*).