
The Wyze cams are pretty impressive. I installed 2 cams (1 panable), 2 motion sensors, 2 door sensors, with sd cards total less than $100. I get push notifications of sensors and can pull up video clips of sensor activations, live and recorded video. Very simple to set up, planning on adding a smartthings hub, alarm

After waiting for this for 2+ years - very disappointed. Pricey and so so mpg. Will have to keep the 328xd and wait for the SCCI version.

One thing I have found, when I have given notebooks to employees to keep as a log is, almost everyone wastes 90% of the notebook space. That is, they start a new page frequently leaving short or partial pages, write long or widely spaced doodles, leave the back of each page completely blank, sometimes skip several

Likewise. I keep an Evernote note titled ‘today’ that I can jot down those late night nagging items that can keep you from getting to sleep. That way I can stop thinking about them now and know I can take care of it in the morning.